Fish for a 180?


I Have a 180 FOWLR.
What do you guys think?
1 Blue Girdled Angelfish or dwarf angel
6 blue/green chromis
2 clownfish
1 yellow tang
1 purple tang
1 scopas tang
1 dwarf angel or blue girdled angelfish
6 blue green chromis
2 clownfish
1 yellow tang
6 anthias
1 dwarf angle
1 blue girdled angelfish
6 blue green chromis
2 clownfish
1 yellow tang
Any other suggestions?
Will these fish get along?
Are they invert safe!?


Me personally i would make it a reef schooling tank, with chromis, clowns, firefish, gobies, etc. Oh and maybe an angel if you like angels, and probably a yellow tang.


oh in that case, you need one mean aggressive fish, and that would be some sort of trigger, eel, puffer, and you can still get a tang or two depending on what you want.


Active Member
i would personally do your secong list (1 dwarf angel or blue girdled angelfish
6 blue green chromis
2 clownfish
1 yellow tang
6 anthias)
but instead of a yellow tang do a kole tang or a powder blue


What about
3 chromis
3 anthias
3 yellow tangs
2 clownfish
1 dwarf angel
I love powder blue tangs but aren't they hard to take care of?
If not id like
3 chromis
3 anthias
1 yellow tang
1 purple tang
1 powder blue tang
2 clownfish
1 dwarf angel