Fish for a 24 gal. tank?


New Member
I've decided that once my tank has cycled I'm going to get a blue devil damsel & an ocellaris clownfish (for a 24 gal tank). What would be a good 3rd fish to add?
Any suggestions?? :help:


Active Member
Drop the damsel. He'll get too aggressive and too big for that tank.
Just my opinion, but I agree on the Royal Gramma or Blackcap Basslet.
You might also consider the smaller Gobies. A red or purple Firefish, maybe a Yellow Watchman...
Also maybe Reef Chromis, a Sixline might work but will be pushing it, a Blenny, Bangaii Cardinal (or a pair), maybe a spotted Hawkfish.


New Member
^ Hmmm... I thought blue devils were one of the smaller types of damsels. Thanks for your opinion!


I have a blue damsel (witht he small black dot on his tail) that thinks he rules my tank.... I had the ocellaris (spellign) clown fish, and he tortured him pretty badly. I then got 2 clowns, becuase i thought with 2 atleast one would survive, WRONG>.. both got tortured pretty bad.
I now have 2 tomato clowns and they fight back.... They are much more aggressive and dont take any crap from the damsels in my tank... they even fight with eachother on occassion.
I dont knw about any one else but the ocellaris wasnt good in my tank... the mroe aggressive clowns did better.


Active Member
I would personally do 1 ocelaris clown, 1 royal gramma, and a bangaii cardinalfish or a sixline. JMO though.