fish for cycling new tank...please help

i agree with aceiswild. go with the inexpensive damsels. just in case a fish dies during the initial cycle, you won't be so freaked out by the amount of money that you buried with the fish. is Geothermal Aquatic Research Foundation located in Idaho.


Active Member
I disagree - I cycled by 55 Gal tank with two oscilliaris clowns and they faired just fine. Here was my setup:
1. 3 days Water & Salt Heater and Powerheads
2. 3 days of LR/CC
So after six days I added the clowns - the tank cycle in less than 3 more days:
total time for initial cycle - 9.5 days
I started my tank with 30 pounds of live rock and waited for a week. I did a 25% water change at that time and had my water checked. The nitrites were off so I bought 20 more pounds of live rock. I waited almost another week and checked my water. Everything was good. The way I see it now is that Im ready for a fish or two. Maybe some percula clowns. I've asked the same question about clowns and found out that they can be used. They are in the damsel family. My info is to do a water change. check the water the day after the change and ask your LFS if you can add some fish.