fish for first tank


New Member
i'm thinking about getting my first saltwater tank in the summer and want to start planning from now. the tank i'd like to get is a juwel trigon 350 beech, and is about 90 gallons. the fish i would like to get is
1- blue regal tang
1- royal gramma
2- ocellaris clownfish
2- bangaii cardinalfish
is this ok stocking levels for a 350 litre tank? and are the fish compatible? and do i have room for more fish? i want to cycle my tank using live rock and i'm not sure whether to go for fish only or reef. also, advice on filteration etc. would be appreciated.
this is my first saltwater tank but i have kept freshwater tanks successfully so i'm not a complete beginner. thanks for any help!


Active Member
sounds good to me. A sump/fuge will work but will cost alot more than gettign a HOB filter. U can probably get away with like lots of lr, ls, power heads, a realy good HOB skimmer and a bio wheel 330.


sump is sooooo expensive. i was up in the air as to get it until i read about and asked about the emporer 400 bio wheel. with enough lr and ls you really won't need the sump. saved me a couple hundred bucks that way.