Fish for my 14 biocube


SO my nano reef is all cycled and ready to stock. Not sure what to go with. I would like some type of goby and one other fish. No clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by twogirls
What about a Jawfish?
Be carful as to what kind of blenny, Midas, bi color, and some others are water column feeders as opposed to microfauna feeders scooter, manderins etc.
Jawfish are cool too, be prepared to not see them too much as they like to hide in holes in the sand. Also a deep sand bed is essential to them so 3 to 4 inches is ideal.


Active Member
What about a yellow clown goby?
they are little, but have tons of personality. They usually are right out in the open perching on something, and a bright yellow. Mine loved to sit in the middle of my toadstool. The toadstool got use to him in a week or so and it didn't even bother it anymore. :happyfish


The Midas Blennies are awesome (I love mine!), however I heard that they require no less than a 20G, so I'd check with others first.
Clown Gobies, Fire Fish...


Clown gobies are a good choice. My favs are the yellow, black, and green (it's green with pink stripes). But the Citron (or citrinins) is nice too, being yellow with blue stripes on the head.
Neon Gobies, blue and gold
Shrimp gobies, I love the high fin.
Those are my favorite fish, it seems I was made for nano tanks. Now if I could just get one I liked...