Fish for my 55 gallon reef tank


Hey guys! This is my first post there and I have some questions. I made a list of fish I want to get for my brand new reef tank (55g). Please tell me if all these fish are compatible and good attitudes. Thanks!
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-2 Ocellaris Clown's
-Mandarin Dragonet
-Kaudern's Cardinal
-Bi-Color Angelfish
Let me know what you think of it!


What kind of filtration are you gonna have and how much LR,if any. And what Qreef said. And they need an establised tank because they like to eat copepods and microfauna


I have a Royal Gramma and I love it. It's very calm and has a gentle nature. The others may be much more aggressive.


Ok, I will hold off on the Dragonet. I am going to try to get 80 pounds of LR. Maybe like half bas rock and half live rock. I am going to get just a HOB filter and get a really nice $230.00 skimmer. I am going to use the LR as my main filtration.


you could...just watch out...I heard they will eat anything they can get in their mouths...Id go with a toby puffer if thats what u wanted...or a small trigger would be fine for a while...I have a 2-3" blue throat in mine and is doing great


Active Member
I have a mandrine in my 55 gal, and she is doing great. I have a hob fuge, and plenty of live rock. Also, she eats mysis and brine. if you have plenty of lr, and some sort of fuge for pod, and get one that eats other things, They are ok. mine is 8 mo old and going strong.


Ok cool! I really like the Dragonets. Is a Flame Angel or Coral Beauty Angel good? I want at least one of those. Does one not nip at corals as much as the other?


Also, will a Blue Tang fit? I LOVE those! Maybe if I take a fish or 2 out then I can add one? How big do they usually get? How big does a Powerder Blue Tang get? Which is usually smaller?


Active Member
I would not put any tang in a 55 gal. They are just too big for a 4 ft tank.
Here is my list for my 55 ga.
2 clowns
1 royal grama
2 chromis
1 firefish gobie
1 bi-color blenny
1 eng gobie
1 mandrine gobie