Fish for reefs


I have my tank set up and it has cycled... I want to add some corals later, and maybe so sponges.. What are some hearty , nice looking , fairly small fish I can add and still keep a nice reef..Also what starfish , crabs, shrimp can I have
35 hex, 30lb LR, 6" dsb (1/2 LS)


I have a 30 long with a clarki clown, blue damsel, and a flame angel. They are all active, get along, and add brilliant color.


I recommend percula clowns. They are very colorful and very hearty. Damsels do well too, but try to get some that aren't so territorial. I have 2 three-striped damsels, and they're not territorial at all. Good luck!


Active Member
How long has your tank been set up and cycled? I would let your tank mature six months or so before adding any type of pygmay angel. They would be a good choice, i like coral beautys myself. You could, as mentioned above keep a pair of false percs. They are very active and hearty.
As far as adding starfish and shrimp, i would reccomend a cleaner shrimp, brittle starfish, stay away from blue linkia stars they are difficult to acclimate to your tank. I have read that many die shortly after adding to a system.
You also could keep scarlet crabs they are supposed to be, for the most part, reef safe. I had some blue legs and i caught them eating my green star polyps so i ditched them. Now i keep mainly turbo and astrea snails to keep my glass and rocks clean. HTH