Fish from *****


There are acually two ***** stores located near me. there is the one that I mentioned above that doesen't take good care of their livestock and the other store, one that was built not too long ago, does. I thought maybe they had a set of standards that they follow by when it comes to fish or any other live animal.


I have bought only fresh-water fish from ***** and had great success. If you decide to buy fish from there, make sure you use your quarantine tank and read their dead-fish quarantee. I see no harm in trying as long as you quarantine and can return it if it doesn't live.


Active Member
When I first got into this hobby, I would buy anywhere, now I know better but I most say. On one trip to *****, I saw a good looking yellow tang and bought him cheap and he is still swimming in my tank today ......three years later :joy: .So there can be some possitive stories.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
(currently there is serpents star labeled as a brittle star, they don't like it when you correct them so I've stopped. ).
As an aside, there is really no correction on this one....there is no biological distinction between these two, though hobbyists insist on trying. The latin name ophiuroid contains the greek root ophio - which means serpent/snake like. So that is one common name. The name brittlestar refers to the ability of all ophiuroids to autonomize, or drop arms, when stressed. Hence, the "brittle" star part. Both have arm spines, which people try to claim serpentstars don't.
There is no valid biological/taxonomic/behavioral distinction to be made on this one. If that is the only thing, then that is pretty dang good


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
As an aside, there is really no correction on this one....there is no biological distinction between these two, though hobbyists insist on trying. The latin name ophiuroid contains the greek root ophio - which means serpent/snake like. So that is one common name. The name brittlestar refers to the ability of all ophiuroids to autonomize, or drop arms, when stressed. Hence, the "brittle" star part. Both have arm spines, which people try to claim serpentstars don't.
There is no valid biological/taxonomic/behavioral distinction to be made on this one. If that is the only thing, then that is pretty dang good

ahhh, i knew you would get to that one before me. anyways, i have only responded to one ***** thread, saying that the one by me was good. It has since changed a few times, that is the people working the fish section. now every time i go in i get pretty upset. Tons of sick fish, dead fish, uncared for fish, ect. And that is all i am going to say. some are good, and some are bad.
Orph: you should just sticky one of these threads to the top so it isnt asked every week or two


Active Member
Originally Posted by ShrimpDady
Oh God.....not another ***** bashing thread.

I just now got over the last one!

Some ***** stores suck and some aren't that bad.
Surely ***** isn't the only store out there with unhealthy fish.
Hopefully this thread will die a quick death and no one will start another one about ***** for a looooooooooong time.

I third that!
If you don't like your local *****, the best thing to do about them is to not frequent their store AT ALL. If they do take good care of their animals, you should support them so that that sends a positive message to corporate. When they realize that the only stores that make money are the ones that take proper care of their animals, they will change their ways at the bad ones.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I third that!
If you don't like your local *****, the best thing to do about them is to not frequent their store AT ALL. If they do take good care of their animals, you should support them so that that sends a positive message to corporate. When they realize that the only stores that make money are the ones that take proper care of their animals, they will change their ways at the bad ones.

I agree......


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
If you don't like your local *****, the best thing to do about them is to not frequent their store AT ALL. If they do take good care of their animals, you should support them so that that sends a positive message to corporate. When they realize that the only stores that make money are the ones that take proper care of their animals, they will change their ways at the bad ones.
I agree.

sinner's girl

There is no valid biological/taxonomic/behavioral distinction to be made on this one. If that is the only thing, then that is pretty dang good
Nope, not the only thing, just the lastest. and I didn't know there was no difference. Glad I didn't say anything this time.
Both have arm spines, which people try to claim serpentstars don't.
Really? I can't tell on my serpent, they must be small, on the brittle I saw spines...nice, pretty, big ones.


Active Member
Yup, the spines on a "serpentstar" are often held parallel to the arm, while a "brittlestar" the spines are held perpendicular to the arm. But this can change a bit and really doesn't warrant a distinction.


i'm not bashing ***** because they carry a lot of supplies i like, the staff is helpful and friendly but of the 3 *****'s in my area all three have sick fish. one had a Coral beauty with pop eye, i brought the situation to the attention of the staff and they said they would take care of him. Just out of curiosity i went back every other day for a week, needless to say the fish was still in the community tank and the eye had worsend. I then bought the fish for a discounted price and took it to a friend who knew how to treat the fish and could provide a good home for him. ***** in this area will not sell dogs or cats rather they will arrange an adoption from the animal shelter which i think is good. BUT i dont think they pay much attention to the fish despite the sicknesses being pointed out .