Fish getting sucked into filter...HELP!


Ok, so this is a bonehead question...
My "Alge Blenny" got sucked into the bottom return of my 402 PowerHead. No, I didn't have any filter attached to it. I was just using it to push water while I am waiting for my Protien Skimmer (without a pump) to arrive. I guess the little bugger decided to perch next to the dangerous end of the filter.
I don't know how long he was there, but I got him loose and he's still alive. HOWEVER, he is bent in half and won't do much swimming. Is he on his way to the big bowl in the sky? Or do you think there is some way I can save this little guy?
And yes, I have turned the 402 off until I can pick up some kind of filter for it. Speaking of which... Any sugestions on a filter to attach to a 402PH? I have those sponge filters attached to my 2 301's and a Biowheel 170. As soon as the Protien Skimmer arvies I will be using one of the 301's to power it and will need to convert the 402 to an actuall filter.
As always... Thanks!


sorry to say but he is on his way out :( the "bent" would be a broken back bone. I use a peice of PVC over the end of my 802. other people use foam filters. it is really a not good idea to run a power head with something not blocking the "in" way


Active Member
bent(as in kinked like) or curved, if it is bent,it very well could be a broken back, if curved, ours often sits in arched or curved positions(not straight), also yousay you got him off, do you mean to say that you turned off the pump and he fell, or you actaully had to do something because he would not move, if you turned off the pump and he was still there, i t may be he wanted to be there because after turning off the pump there woudl no longer be suction
and i would not put any filter on it, they can trap garbage and contribute to nitrates, i have none on my hagens, and have no probs, i like the fact taht they do have a grate over the bottom intake of them, if you are gonna use anything, use a plastic scren or something, but not a filter
ours did that a couple of times, but before we could turn off the pump he swam off, like he was jsut resting there in the current(odd but true), and as i said it would rest in the rock or on the sand in a bent position, just not kinked(and not just after he stayed there


Active Member
You should find something to screen the intake on your powerheads. I just scavanged some parts off old filters. I'm not the best DIY guy so if I could figure it out I'm sure you can! :D Not just fish will get sucked in either. I've heard of anemone's, brittle stars, and snails getting chewed up in powerheads.


I made the same mistake a while ago. Only mine was a poc puffer that got sucked up. I freed him but he died 2 days later. Stress was too much fo him I guess. Sorry to hear that. I now have a cheep very porus sponge filter on it. Since then, nobody has gotten stuck. Live and learn. :(


I posted this topic few week back
LawnMover blenny is a stupiest fist
They alway get stuck in the powerhead, filter etc...


I had 2 accidents with my powerheads-- one, a sally light foot got too close- i woke up in the mornign and he was stuck upside down-- unplegged it and he swam and hid-- been fine ever since.
The clown fish however, was not so lucky--- didn't see him all day, so i checked and sure enough- he was sucked in and TOTALLY mushed-- he had been form fitted to the round opening and even had grill marks- poor guy... it stayed off after that till i got a filter over the end-- i just bought a plastic guard from out LFS- had to cut it alittle, but ti works fine.


Bio Ball, now there's an idea....
He's still alive and starting to swim more. The Yellow Tang is poking at him and he'll swim away. He is bent, but starting to get back to normal. He has the infamous grill marks and is starting to loos some of his "skin" in that area, but he looks better.
I'll let you know how he looks in another 24 hours.
I run 2 Penguin 550's and I placed a piece of large-pore sponge on the inlets. No loss of power and the fish are safe as can be ;)


Active Member
hey pruden sac, do you have any cleaner shrimp, ours help ot clean up damaged scales as well as parasites, our one chromis got attacked when we first got our clowns(she was nasty for a day), and for the nest week or 2, you would often see the cleaners working on the area she bit him, don't know, but it did seem to help
oh and GOOD LUCK