Sorry for double post but I don't have a whole lot of time... :help: I just put my first fish in mt QT Friday afternoon. I set up my QT Tuesday using water from my DT, and I soaked the QT filter medium in my overflow of my DT for 2 days. I just tested my QT and my ammonia is currently at 0.6. I am worried about it going up while I am work for 12 hours today and killing my first fish. The tank is one of the cheapy 10gal setups from wal-mart. My trites and trates in the QT are both 0. There is no substrate in the QT and 3 pieces of PVC to hide in. The fish is a blue spot watchman. Should I remove the fish and put it in my DT or leave it be? I really don't wanna lose my first fish in the QT. That would just be pathetic. If I should pull him out should I do a freshwater dip? If so how do I do it? Thanks in advance.