Fish growth


Just curious on a few things. How long does it take for fish to mature. Specifically maroon clowns. I have just purchased two small ones, wonder how long they stay small? Also, my water has a slight haze to it when you look through the side of the tank. Looking through the front, it seems fine. All water conditions are good. Should the water be crystal clear? I have a cpr bakpak, f* o, 1 tang, 2 maroon clown,1 lunare wrasse. My final question is it normal for my wrasse to hide 90% of the time. I worry he isn't eating enough. when I notice he is out I put a little food in for him, should I be concerned?
Thank you all so very much!!


Any idea on how I could incorporate carbon to my system? all I have is the bakpak. It has blue plastic stuff in the filter chamber. Can I replace that with something else? Is this affecting the performance of my tank, ie: are the fish suffering. I have had a lot of trouble keeping fish. been through quite a few. thanks!!!