Fish happiness

Does anyone know if talking to your fish helps them have a better/longer life? Or what about if you read them bed time stories at night?


Two things I have found that helps them be happy:
1) staring at them for hours
2) giving them food and then staring at them for hours.
Hope this helps!


...just be careful...I showed my tank "Free Willy" and my eel kept trying to leap out of the tank for days...


You guys are so funny :D
My conversations with my fish are pretty limited except for " Bite me and I'll turn you into cat food!"
"You're so pretty" to my queen angel" and "do you guys really have to s#$% so much????"
Don't know that it means much to them, but they are pretty happy and healthy. Come to think of it I also ask them if they're happy, based on the fact that they all come running to the front to say hi--I guess they are. About half my stock is two years old now.
Seriously I doubt there has ever been any even remotely serrious study on the effects. I also don't think they can hear anything anyway.