Fish has spots after water changes


I have a weird question.
First let me give you the information you need. Tank 55 gallon, ammonia – 0, nitrate – 0, nitrite – 0, PH 8.3, Salinity 1.024, wet dry filter (TRUVU hang on back model), water used is from a 6 stage DI filter, Calcium – 800.
So here is the issue I am having. Whenever I do a water change my fish break out with white dots like they have ich. I don’t think it is ich because it goes away about 4 to 5 days later (just in time for another water change). I am doing 10% water change every week. I am using instant ocean salt. The salt is hard (like rocks) when I mix it, but I put it in a 5 gallon bucket with a Rio 2400 pump and let it mix for 24hrs before using it (and I make sure the water is clear before adding it to the tank). I am almost done with this bucket of salt then I will be opening a new one (which I will have a lid for so it will not get hard like the batch I am currently using). If you want to see the tank you can view some pictures of it here.
Pictures of my tank
Oh I almost forgot I have a 30 gallon tank that I use to stage all fish in before they go to the 55 and the same thing happens in it, BUT......If I do not do the water change the white dots go away and the fish is fine......untill I do a water change again then the dots are back.
I must be doing something wrong please help:help: :confused::eek:


Looks like I have stumped you all. Oh I forgot to put that the display tank has been up for 8 month and the hospital tank for 6 months. The display runs at 78.9 temp. and the hospital is ran at 80.5 for the temp. Please let me know if I am leaving anything vital out that would help.


Active Member
Just my opinion but the white spot may be specks of salt that did not dissolve completely. In the new bucket of salt try to keep it free of moisture and dust. HTH


Staff member
You really should aerate the water for 48 hrs to obtain a thorough mix. Don't rule out ich, however. Can you get a pic of the spots on your fish??


I wish I had a picture of the fish but all the spots are gone. I will be changing the water tomorrow so if they return like always I will take some pictures and post them up.


Well I did my water changes on Sunday and I did not have any fish with white spots this time. The only thing I did different is that I opened a new bucket of salt and used it instead of the old clumped up hard stuff I had been using. I am not sure :notsure: If this is the reason why but this has been happening for month so I am going to go with it:cheer: :cheer: .