fish have ich, i have no QT, i cant hypo cuz of inverts.. what is best option for me?


ah im fighting a losing battle.. it appears that nearly all 5 of my fish have ich.
2 false percs
1 maroon
1 yellow tang
1 fridmandi
currently i have no QT tank and i cannot hypo bc of inverts
i plan on mixing my food with garlic, but other than that im pretty sure my fish are going to die.. what is my best course of action.. consider the fish dead? take them out and start the 4-6 week period of no fish? hope they live?
hopefully im going to get a QT up and running very shortly


i guess ill go with the chem marin.. i mean i have nothing to lose right?
hopefully this works.. and if it does, does it rid the tank of ich as well? or only the fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by ckehl
i guess ill go with the chem marin.. i mean i have nothing to lose right?
hopefully this works.. and if it does, does it rid the tank of ich as well? or only the fish
The ich totally went away in my tank.


Active Member
Chem Marin Parasite Stop will not directly kill ich, but it is very effective. I would recommend that also.
The things you will need are the Parasite Stop, Garlic for the fish's food, an alk or dkH test kit, and possibly a dKH buffer if it is low. If you do not test for alk, you may kill your fish with the Parasite Stop.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown1234
kickich very expensive but way more affective then chen marine i used both and kick ich was alot better.
I disagree with that but that is my opinion from experience as well.


As crimzy said chem marines stop parasite. But be sure to check your Ph right after you dose the tank. It will rid your fish of ich. They also suggest you do a weekely dosing to prevent any further out breaks.

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by ckehl
what is the best way to bring my pH back up to normal?
A buffer like Seachem Marine Buffer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ckehl
what is the best way to bring my pH back up to normal?
by testing your alkalinity or dkH before you add anything. Usually when you have a pH problem, it is due to a low alkalinity. If your alk is low, I like Kent Marine's Super dKH buffer.


Active Member
I have used kick ich in my reef tank with good results.boosting feedings to a 2-3 times daily with good foods also helps in the imunity proccess


I just finished using stop parasite.. i was very surprised to see it was nothing more then taco bell hot sauce... anyway... most of the ich is off of the fish, and they seem much better. Now I feeding with a better diet and garlic to have them fight off the rest hopefully

william c

the only way that has been proven the best over the years is to use a ionic copper treatment of 0.15ppm to 0.20ppm this will kill the ick and the ick that has reached stage 2 and id floating in the tank although this is not safe for inverts only tanks as most of the time ick (crytocaryon) is due to stress most all marine fish have the parasite way before you see it within its gills but its the stress that causes the podules to bust open and sread in the ocean there are all types of cleaner shrimp and certain wrasses that clean these parasites off the fish you can buy cleaner fish or shrimp but it is very hard the are getting to be endangered and if you wipe out the cleaners you wipe out the entire oceans eco system....hence all the fish too