Fish Help


Two Questions:
On a previous post, someone told me that, if isolated, my damsels tail will grow back, is this true.
And I recently added a new powerhead to my tank, my clown fish has done nothing but swim in the current directly in front of it. Is this normal?


what happened to your damsels tail??? my blue damsel has gotten his tail nipped several times and it always grows back. i also have some clowns and those guys are like constantly i wouldnt be worried about it.


another fish has been nipping at it. I built this seperator to isolate the fish, just wanted to make sure I'm not wasting my time


well wait to hear from some others before you take it to the bank. my damsel just gets tiny chunks ripped off. but they definetly always grow back.


depends on the fish..... some will take years....while others grow fairly quickly. also the better the environment you provide...the more healthy they will be and the more quickly/ fully they will grow. poor care can stunt their growth from what i understand.


take a look, there is a pic posted of the fishes tail on the thread How Do I Make It Stop, believe it's around page 4 or 5


Active Member
I have two damsels in my tank while it cycles (ya I know not such a popular thing around here; carry over habit from my fresh water days and the last time I do it; promise.)
The blue had a nip out of its tail when I brought him home from the LFS. Even in the less than optimal conditions of a cycling tank his tail nip has almost completely healed and its only the 14th day of the cycle.
MY guess is your damsels tail will grow back.


I went McGuyver last nigh and built a large seperator for him, it's made out of waterproof and screen. I have it in there after the suggestion of the strawberry basket. It's ghetto but it works. I have dubed it the pope hat cause it looks like the popes hat. I'll post a pic soon so you all can laugh.