Fish HELP!!!!!!!


I have a problem.
I done a water change yesterday.No problems.
This morning, I see that 2 fish have white spots and
now they have went away after the light was on
for a couple of hours,is this common???
I have never had this to happen.
What did I do wrong???
Will, I lose all of my fish, or is this o.k.
They are all eating fine and swimming fine too?
Do I put the 2 that have (Had) there are still
marks where the spost were, in my qt tank??
I feel really bad and don't know what to do.


I don't think so(might be).It just freaked me out ,I have not ever seen it happen before.
I will see when the lights go out,sure hope that is all it is!
If it is back on them by moring, I will have a fit!
Have had saltwater ick 1 time and lost all...
Now I'm scared, I have gotten too attached to these kids.
They all have a names,call me crazy I guess.Well I do have a
7 year old that helps with the names.
I hope they will be o.k.
My fresh water fish just say copper when they get sick,
so with having copper pipes in my house,it works great.


Active Member
Hey there's nothing wrong with naming your fish. Post a new thread asking how many people name their fish. We put too much effort, time, heartache, and money most of all, into these guys, it's hard to let go of something you've grown too.
I hope you have good luck with your problem.


Here is the problem!
Bar Gobie (shadow), don't look good doing circles hitting the top of water.
Sail fin tang(sassy) ,still has a spot on it's tail.
now all looks great in tank and done all test(they are fine too).
I guess I will just wait!


Well-Known Member
I think it best to wait until things settle down. If the tang gets some more white spots, you may want to try adding a little garlic to the food.
Also, your experience is why I do not do water changes.


Shadow is almost dead!(I moved to qt tank!)
I hope I'm not making things worse.
Sassy is haning in there.Got spots, no one else do though.
Me I am so #@%^ mad!!!!!
I thought I would get a larger tank for b-day.
HUMMMM!Think I might not now.
Heart is broken!
Might not do a water change any more.


Bar gobie is dead!
I think that the sail fin
will make it,doing much better.
All else looks good.Should I put new stuff in the filters???
Ph is off just alittle any suggestions,
with out making things worse???
tank don't look bad any where else.


10 snails dead.(got up this morning they were hulled out.)
Now have to deal with amonia!
What shall I do???
Prime???55 gal tank.
Water change again???


I have tiny yellow-off white worms going about in my tank.
I have no Ideal what they are and they are out all the time.
This has only happend in about 3 days.
I scoop them up with the net and throw them out!!!
Only one fish to die, but almost all snails are gone and
now my anomie is very unhappy on the glass now.
It will not stay on the bottom.
Can any one help solve this wierd problem?


I'm back.
I hated to post and be a pain.
This is what happened.
All crabs, shrimp,corals,except umbrella shrooms
(they are still not happy.) The rest of the fish are great.
tank lost almost all of color off rock,it just fell off!
I don't know what happen.(Anomie made it!)still on glass
though, clowns worry it to death.
I have soooooo much alge on glass
now with out my cleaning crew.
I need a clean up crew,but I don't know if I have got a
bug are not.What do I do???
Can any one help me.I was going to post pictures,
I don't know how too.
I took them, just got to figure out how to post and host.