fish i am getting


for my 75
1 clown
2 shrimp gobies
1 royal gramma
1 bicolar blenny
1 flame angel
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo tang
5 serpant stars
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
2 fire fish
2 purple fire fish
clean up crew and corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


your purple fire fish are goin to fight and i think you shouldnt put da tangs they goin to get big and with all those fish you want theres not goin to be no swimming fish
Trust me, I know how you feel. My eyes are often much bigger than my tank... that is a lot of fish for a 75... especially the two tangs! Maybe keep one of the tangs and pick a couple of the fish you listed that you like best and run with it. It's hard to build a stock list when you want everything and have not the room for a 1000 gallon tank.
Good luck!


Active Member
You're never gonna learn to realize that you cannot have tangs in tanks smaller than 125 gallons. Let alone that's alot of fish for a 75 gallon tank.
Go back and cut down the number of fish. First fishes to cut out are BOTH your tangs (unless you are having a much larger tank set-up in the near future).
My take :
A pair of clownfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bi-color Blenny or 1 Goby
1 Flame Angel - you do realize that sometimes they nip at corals ...
1 Firefish
1 or 2 Serpent stars
3 Cleaner shrimps (they do well in groups)


Active Member
I wouldn't keep 2 tangs (maybe a very small hippo, let him adapt as he grows )in a 75; but your list, IMO, is not too heavy. Most of the fish are fairly small and don't add a huge chunk to the bio-load. I ignore the inch rule; 6" of firefish is hardly the bio-load as 6" of puffer. Just don't go too fast, get to know your tank and how it handles increased capacity; the older the tank (as a rule) the more it can handle. Its your tank and, outside of a pending tang war, I see no big problem with your list. I guarantee others will; and I respect their views as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
You're never gonna learn to realize that you cannot have tangs in tanks smaller than 125 gallons. Let alone that's alot of fish for a 75 gallon tank.
Go back and cut down the number of fish. First fishes to cut out are BOTH your tangs (unless you are having a much larger tank set-up in the near future).
My take :
A pair of clownfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Bi-color Blenny or 1 Goby
1 Flame Angel - you do realize that sometimes they nip at corals ...
1 Firefish
1 or 2 Serpent stars
3 Cleaner shrimps (they do well in groups)
IMO; these are all fairly small fish with a small bio-load. I doubt the total bio-load of 5 fish would equal that of a single medium wrasse.With excellent upkeep habits, assuming the fish go in over time, and the tank ages a bit I wouldn't hesitate to keep twice this many fish in a 75--and I have, quite successfully.But; I know lots of good fishkeepers will disagree.


Active Member
Just slowly add your fish 1 or 2 at a time with 3 weeks inbetween. Keep a close eye on your water levels. You will know when you are getting to heavey a load if your fish start getting too territorial or your trates start to go up. I would nix the hippo for sure and decrease the stars unless you are going to spot feed and that would mess with your bio load. You'll understand more by the time you take care of some of your fish and get use to the maintance. Good Luck,


thanks guys oh and ice4ice yellow tangs can be kept in 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you see that guy who put a yellow tang in 29g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by locofish
thanks guys oh and ice4ice yellow tangs can be kept in 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you see that guy who put a yellow tang in 29g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the 29 was a QT.