fish i am getting


for my 75
1 clown
2 shrimp gobies
1 royal gramma
1 bicolar blenny
1 flame angel
1 yellow tang
1 blue hippo tang
5 serpant stars
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
2 fire fish
2 purple fire fish
clean up crew and corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Why start another post asking the same question? If you didn't get the answer you wanted the first time around, doubtful you'll get it now. Your list is over the top. I would heed the advice you received previously.


How come every week you start a new thread saying what fish you are getting, and there is a different tank size everytime?


Active Member
Originally Posted by locofish
I Can Make As Many Threads As I Want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get it. Why are you intentionally trying to hack off everyone here?
Okay so you don't agree with the tangs advice. Fine, but every time you post the thread someone is going to say something about those tangs.
If you don't like the advice then don't take it. I don't hold it against you for ignoring advice that I and other gave you but this BS with the threads is really getting irritating.


OK mr locofish all your other threads are locked or deleted please stick to one thread or you can make all your posts somwhere else!! This is the only warning on this subject-!!