Fish I can add


I just bought a used 46 gallon bowfront saltwater aquariums. I am really excited about it but I was wondering what kinds of fish I can add. Right now that tank has a yellow tang, hermit crab, starfish, a small puffer fish, damsel, and a goby. List all possiblilities please that I could add to make my tank look more colorful and please don't select fish that are very expensive because I am a college student. Would it be a wise idea to add more damsels? If so how many??

tru conch

Active Member
i would advise against adding any more damsels. what kind of damsel do you presently have? if it is a blue devil/three strip/or domino, i would get rid of it. in its place you could add green chromis, a member of the damsel family, but they are very peaceful, colorful, and also inexpensive (they cost the same as damsels) hth

tru conch

Active Member
i would advise against adding any more damsels. what kind of damsel do you presently have? if it is a blue devil/three strip/or domino, i would get rid of it. in its place you could add green chromis, a member of the damsel family, but they are very peaceful, colorful, and also inexpensive (they cost the same as damsels) hth


I have a yellow tailed damsel. If anyone else has any suggestions feel free I am open to anyones suggestions


some yellow tails aren't as aggressive as others but can be. i would suggest to stay small with any other fish (tank space). then you may want to get rid of the damsel because it may pick on smaller mates. i like flame hawks(not too cheep)or maybe pigmee angels.small wrasses(yellow,six line etc.)


New Member
My powder blue tang just died. Iwas
told that PB tang are quite difficult
esp in small tank (30 gal) but was
adamant in getting it. Learn a bitter
lesson. When I first started, I was
very impatient and wanted every fish
that was avialable. Some fish died of
aggresion against the same kind.
My advise would be to go slow and to see
compatibilty. and also the bio-load that
your tank can take. I wouldn't add any more damsels if i were you.
I am not an expert-just starting out but I have learnt that impatience can be $$costly.

sinner's girl

How long has the tank been set up?
I'd advise not adding any more fish while the tang is in there. The tang likes swimming room, addinf more fish will give the tang less room and may cuase him to become stressed.
after the tang is out you can look at all the fish out there. Clowns are very personable and inexpensive (i'm a college student too).


New Member
Sinners Girl,
I read that you have a 55 gal tank
running on UGF with no skimmer.
I'm new to this hobby. I thought
skimmer is a must for marine tanks.
Pl share your experience. You
can e mail me at

sinner's girl

to each his own, i'll email ya though, but this topic is in debate. some say it's needed others say it's not.

madd catt

On your undergravel filter there is a reverse flow kit for use penquin powerheads will move the debrise up threw the gravel instead of down,it will be easier to keep your gravel cleaner,just alittle stirring up i needed.It is made by marineland.