Fish ID please!


Picked up this fella on Saturday at a local LPS and they said it was a Blue-Eyed Angel, even showed documentation..however, I cannot find a pic anywhere that resembles him. His lateral line is very pronounced and has a hint of blue on his dorsal...that's it. Could he be in the tang family? My hubby thought an Orangeback? Anyone have any ideas? I will return if not a good fit for our tank-50 g FOWLR...thanks! (Which I might have to do after "Fay" hits!)



Active Member
It could be a juvie Orange shoulder. You should be able to tell if it a tang by where the tail meets the body.... is there a "spine" there? It will be flat against the body.
You can see where the spine is on this yellow tang.... it's the white thing.


Thanx Cran! The body shape is longer and thinner though, and the spine does not meet there like shown in your pic. The face is not like a tang's either.Will try another attempt at a pic this PM, but that distinct lateral "spine" line is throwing me. The yellow is very vibrant, you can spot him 20 ft away! Almost neon!

nacl freak

Originally Posted by Cranberry
It could be a juvie Orange shoulder. You should be able to tell if it a tang by where the tail meets the body.... is there a "spine" there? It will be flat against the body.
You can see where the spine is on this yellow tang.... it's the white thing.

OOOOOOH................. That's one sick looking tang. Hope thats not yours.


Active Member
It's a pic I took of a fish at the LFS for a disease guide..... ya weren't suppose to really LOOK at him..... just his spine :)


Active Member
lemonpeel angel, i think. the absence of the blue eye is weird though. Does it have a blue ring around the eye?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
Looks like a mimic lemonpeel tang to me.

Nice work.
Indeed, another one of the fish with many names which leads to confusion. Lemonpeel mimic tang, and sometimes just "mimic tang" (there actually are a couple different species of "mimic" tangs that mimic angelfish in their juvenile coloring). The best name for this fish is "Chocolate Tang" (Acanthurus pyroferus
). The solid yellow coloring is indeed to try and mimic lemonpeel angelfish because otherwise, many juvi tangs face aggression from other fish, particularity damselfishes.
You can tell the differences from the tang, from the actual Lemonpeel angel, in the structure of the mouth and more so the lips. The tang will have a much more pronounced upper lip, with the angel having more of a smaller, more "perfect" mouth in shape.
Good pic of other juvi Chocolate Tang


Thanks Guys! He's been hiding for 24 hrs....can't get another pic! You would think that color would be easy to spot. Please bear with me...lots of nooks and crannies.If it is a tang (which I will need to return him) as juvis, are they elongated ? He is not proportionate like a tang (fins and body roundness) from the pics I have researched...and his lips and face don't match either...I'm just rambling-w/o a pic we can't tell! Sorry--storm stress, dodged another bullet though! Camera on dock...will try after work...we'll get to the fishyness of this!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jemshores
Thanks Guys! He's been hiding for 24 hrs....can't get another pic! You would think that color would be easy to spot. Please bear with me...lots of nooks and crannies.If it is a tang (which I will need to return him) as juvis, are they elongated ? He is not proportionate like a tang (fins and body roundness) from the pics I have researched...and his lips and face don't match either...I'm just rambling-w/o a pic we can't tell! Sorry--storm stress, dodged another bullet though! Camera on dock...will try after work...we'll get to the fishyness of this!

I hear ya about the storm. If the tang seems a bit longer than it is tall, and the fins are very long like the picture of the Mimic Tang (Chocolate Tang), then Id say its safe to call it such.


Originally Posted by jemshores
If it is a tang (which I will need to return him) as juvis, are they elongated ? He is not proportionate like a tang (fins and body )
Most tangs have an elongated body. The zebrasoma family of tangs (yellow,scopas tangs) have a rounder body, But tangs come in every shape. I think it is a tang for sure.
Either a juvi orange shoulder tang or the mimic lemonpeel tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
exactly why is that the best name? i see nothing chocolate about it.
Because of the confusion when the name gets shorten. Referring to a "Mimic Tang" is not the Chocolate Tang juvi, but the actual name of Acanthurus tristis
(Indian Ocean mimic Surgeonfish). Also other Acanthurus
tangs try and 'mimic' Angelfish when they're young. So to avoid confusion, only one of the tangs should get the "mimic" name.
And more importantly why, the juvi coloring is just temporary. Here is an adult Chocolate Tang:


Originally Posted by jemshores
Picked up this fella on Saturday at a local LPS and they said it was a Blue-Eyed Angel, even showed documentation..however, I cannot find a pic anywhere that resembles him. His lateral line is very pronounced and has a hint of blue on his dorsal...that's it. Could he be in the tang family? My hubby thought an Orangeback? Anyone have any ideas? I will return if not a good fit for our tank-50 g FOWLR...thanks! (Which I might have to do after "Fay" hits!)

that's definitely a mimic tang juvenile.


Tanks to all! Had my camera in hand last nite and NO fish...looked everywhere, moved some Lrock, outside of tank, etc. Have almost a full cover with just about 2" open in back, so where in the world did waldo go? Currently have 2 false clowns, half black angel, cleaner wrasse, and a banghi cardinal, and clean up crew. Not a trace of him. Soooo I guess it will be a mystery :-(