fish ID (with pic) and fish list


Active Member
First off, what's this?

It showed up in a google search I did for bluejaw trigger. It's a gorgeous fish, but not what most bluejaw pics look like.
Second, I'm almost ready to place an order to start stocking my 75g. I'm thinking about a trigger (whatever that thing is above), a lion (either black volitan - how big do they get? or a dwarf), a zebra moray, and a twin spot wrasse. I have a very good relationship with my lfs, so he's getting me some of this stuff as special orders, with the understanding that the wrasse, and maybe the eel, will eventually outgrow my tank, and he will take them back as trade-ins. See any problems with my list? I will probably (eventually) put in a few mushrooms, maybe a leather to add some color, but I don't plan on keeping any other corals.
Are you planning to have live rock and it be a reef tank. Even though your tank is 75 gallons the trigger may eventually outgrow the tank and have to be a trade in also. I do not recamend corals or inverts with these fish. Secure the live rock tightly you don't want the moray to knock them down.


Active Member
Yea, I know about corals and inverts with these fish... I do plan on having some LR to help with the biological filtration, but only enough so the eel has a place to live/hide. I want to keep as much of the tank open as possible for swimming space. I figure about 50lbs of LR will be good. Techincally, yes, it will be a reef tank, but realistically, no it won't. I'm only planning on a few shrooms, maybe a leather or 2 to add some color to the aquascaping.


I am looking into getting a blue jaw trigger for my 90 gal but i cant seem to find them in the local market only place i've seen them is online. I just purchased a niger trigger, he is still a baby i dont even think he's is a an inch long, he looks like a demsel, but he has a little attitude, he chases the demsels all over the tank. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by jacksonpt
First off, what's this?

I know it's a trigger, but I don't know which variety... could it be a female bluejaw?


I think that is a female Blue throat trigger. Check out under trigger fish, they have a pic of a male and a female.


Sorry for the second post, but has the same picture you have, and they say its a blue jaw (male). :confused: