Fish ID?


I purchased this goby as a yellow-banded watchman, but now that I've seen pictures on other sides of a yellow-banded watchman, I'm not so sure.....
He's a really cool fish with tons of personality- I love him! (and so does my dog, -check out the second picture below.

tru conch

Active Member
looks to me like a yellow watchman goby. they are known to go through color morphs. i have a yellow watchman in my tank. when i first purchased him he was neon yellow, now he is a dull gray with black bands.
and yes they have a ton of personality. if you can find a pistol shrimp the two of them will share a burrow toghther, and its pretty cool to watch.


I just put a skunk cleaner in the tank and they seem to have teamed up - It's kinda cool. I didn't think that they would pair up, but they have.



Pic 3 is just too cute! You both look equally amused. :happyfish
Looks like a cocker spaniel.(the dog, not the fish, which I agree with yellow watchman) :)