Fish ideas


Right now I have a 30 gallon tank with one clown, two hermit crabs, one anemone and one cleaner shrimp. The clown is a little agressive. I have another clown in there but it was killed by the clown I have now. I would like to add aleast one more fish. Does anyone have any ideas what I can added. The clown is a false percula.


I have a suggestion of what you might want to consider when adding your next fish. If that clown, for sure, killed your other fish I would do the following. Isolate the clown you have in there now. Rearrange the LR. Add both the new fish and your clown back into the system. This disturbs the territories established by the current fish. As far as fish suggestions, I'll let someone else handle that. I hope I helped some.....


I agree with sailfin. Re-arrange the LR. then everyone gets used to the "new" territory all at once


yeah, i agree with what they said... as far as a fish, i personally like firefish gobies and pseudochromis(dottybacks). were you looking for a fish that swims around a lot, or one that hangs out on rocks? dottybacks are pretty active and will hold thier ground with an agressive clown (IMO)... HTH, good luck with your fish finding :)


Active Member
dottybacks tend to be aggresive little fish
you could try some:
royal gramma
cardinal fish
small gobies
yellow wrasse
six line wrasse
good luck