Fish Ideas


With the recent death of our Perc Clowns, we are going to wait a couple of weeks before adding anything else. Currently, we have 1 Naso Tang, 3 blennies, 1 Goby, 4 anemonies, 2 peppermint shrip, 1 clown, and 1 blue star in our FO tank. It is 120 gal with 90lbs lr and ls. Can you give us ideas and the order we should put more in. We ould really like having a purple or yellow tang.


Active Member
if i remember correct about your system you should wait a good month or so
which gobies and blennies do you have


Sorry, been away for a long weekend. We have one lawnmower blenny, one neon goby, and we did have two bi-colored blennies but one died while I was gone. We are now going to wait for a month to get anything else. My husband want to pack the whole thing in and forget about it. To much death going on. We don't have any ideal what is killing the fish.


Active Member
i have forgot, are you planning to get these fish, listed above, or have them already??
how old is your system, and didi it cycle completely?
what is your water parameters?? my memory is not that good,and i seem to remember your earlier posts, but not well enough to recall the exact stats


I wouldn't give up on the idea of clownfish. I love my little gut he has a lot of personality. I soon hope to get him a mate in which he will i guess become a her. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


We cycled our tank before we bagan adding. Have had the water checked by LFS and by our home kit and everything checks out okay. We test everthing once a week. The fish listed above is what we have now, with the exception of the loss of one of the blennies and our Naso Tang ate one of the shrip last night :( I am about to give up on this whole mess.


PLEASE DONT GIVE UP! This is such a rewarding hobby. It takes a few dingers to gain experience. The only way to learn sometimes is through the death of our little guys. I have been fortunate becuase I got my tank cycled from a friend. Dont give up though. Get some magazines and books and research the hobby. It's not all peaches in cream in the beginning. But just think what you will have when you get it all together and running properly. :cool:


Active Member
i'd wait a couple of months for flame, they should only be added to mature tanks of at least 5 or 6 months
i still like the clowns too, and they are fairly hearty fish, maybe you got some that were infected with brookynella(sp?), or something
i would stay with some gobies or clowns, something a little less delicate and easy to care for, until you get a feel for the hobby and get things straightend out, or maybe stay with what you have, until you feel more comfortable, and you are sure that things are going good
also, have you ever had another lfs check your water?? maybe the one you are going to either does not know as much as you percieve, or maybe they are misleading you
HTH and good luck