Fish Ideas


I am really into fish that live in harem type situations or school and generally hang out together and interact with each other. I am getting either a 90 or a 125 for xmas. Assuming that I get as 125, what are some good ideas for fish to go with clowns and a group/harem of some kind of dwarf angel. I am getting the dwarfs at a very small size and I've read from multiple sources that they should naturally form a group and should get along peacefully. If i opted for majestic angel babies (which I can also get in the inch long size range) would they grow up together and be safe together, and would that be large enough for a group of 3? I ve read that 8 inches is the normal adult size so seems a little cramped to me but I'd def opt for them if it is reasonable with that size aquarium (its a 6 foot long tank). If I opted for dwarf angels are there any tang species inwhich I could get 3 small ones and let them school up safely?
Oh and also, It is going to be a "reef" in that I keep my anemones and also have mushrooms/ricordias and MAYBE zoos but i think they will likely get munched so i may skip on them. Any ideas?


No on angelfish. Most will tear each other apart. Keep with the chromis, clowns, cardinals or firefishes. These will stay small and won't overcrowd your tank. Is this your first tank? If so, with lr and sand (and corals if reef) then a 125g is not that big and most tangs will out grow it.


a 125 is plenty of room for a few tangs. maybe only 2 when there adults but they should do fine...y2 the minimum for a tang is 75 and this is a 125..i dont mean to sound rude but thats a 50 gallon extra so i think there should be plenty of room/.


Ithink that i am going to stick to a simple harem of dwarf angels of some type. The small tang school seems tempting but I would definitely be concerned with agression. I am amazed by the size differences claimed by adult tangs. some people claim 2-3 inches bigger or smaller than other people, and id rather be safe than get something that is really going to get too big

tru conch

Active Member
another group of fish that all hang out are jawfish. the only thing is you will need a dsb (at least 4 in) for them to borrow in. also to have the top of your tank covered, they love to jump.
personally i would go with the green or blue chormis. they are inexpensive, colorful and school well. also they tend to be very hardy since they belong to the damsel family. just make sure that you add the whole school at once. i have had problems with chromis fighting with newcomers (only other chromis though, not any other fish)