Fish in QT


Would it be safe to add a Yellow Tang, a Hippo Tang and a Heniochus Butterfly to a 36 gallon QT tank for about 4 weeks? I have a fire shrimp and a Cleaner shrimp in the tank now. They will eventually be going into a 75 gallon aquarium. Is the 75 large enough for 2 tangs? I plan on adding a couple clowns in the future. What else would you recommend that I could add to this stock list.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
A major slow down your QT is what i suggest I am assuming you QT was just cycled and running at a low level of nitrification before you added the three fish. Small volume of water large bio loads a lot of competition for food. One sick fish now mean three potential problems. Not a good idea at all


the tang and damsels are gone. I was able to give the tang away and everyone told me the damsels were a nightmare so I took them to the LFS. The 36 was initially my only tank but I couldn't resist upgrading to a 75. I've started my cycle on the 75 so hopefully will be finished in 4-6 weeks and ready for fish. When I started the 36, i bought the live rock from a LFS and it had been in thier tank for a long time. Someone on here told me I wouldn't have much of a cycle since the live rock wasn't out of water but for about 45 minutes and then put in my tank. The amonia level went to .5 and then went back down before I added anything. Was that a good enough cycle? My thoughts were since the 36 was already cycled, I could turn that into my QT and then use the 75 as my display. What can I do to make the 36 ready to be a QT and once that is completed, would it then hold those fish until my 75 is cycled? Are those the wrong type of fish for me to put in the 75 after it cycles? I did order the live rock for the 75 online so its going to most likely really cycle, unlike the smaller. I really am just surfing my options on my fish, not necessarily ordering right away, just bored and thinking what I could do. One more thing, the 75 has a sump wet/dry for a 90 gallon tank, a protien skimmer, and a doulbe HOB filter. Is this sufficient? Your thoughts on where I should go from here would be greatly appreciated.


How long should the 36 cycle? I had an initial very small amonia increase and then it went down. Someone had told me I wouldn't have much of a cycle because I had bought the rock from a LFS and it had already cured being in thier tank so long. I had 2 damsels and a powderblue tang that someone bought for me, not knowing I wasn't ready for them. Took a while, but I was finally able to get rid of the tang. Everyone tells me to get rid of the damsels too, and the LFS said they would take them, I just haven't done it yet, but will soon. The damsels are actually doing really well so they seem as well as for the shrimp and crabs. I have one fire shrimp and one cleaner shrimp, as well as 5 hermits. Haven't lost anything yet. Now, with all of this said, I couldn't resist the urge and bought a 75 gallon. I started it 3 days ago and i figure it will cycle completely since I ordered the live rock online. The 75 has a sump wet/dry for a 90 gallon, a double HOB filter and a protien skimmer. Is that sufficient? Where do I go from here? At what point that I could add fish to the 36 to eventually be added to the 75 once the cycle is complete? What would you suggest I start with?


Active Member
The 75 is too small for the regal tang long term. I had a 75 when I started and she outgrew the tank in less than 18 months. She is now pushing 10" and is ready to be outof the 180 into the 560g.
Your QT should work temporarily but you need to ensure that it is properly cycled and you need to be ready for daily 10-20% water changes.


ok, this may be a really stupid question and if it is, please look over me....I'm new at this. I took it that when you read "minimum tank size", that is all you ever have to have for the fish. Is that incorrect? says min. 40 gallon and ***** says minimum 55 gallon. Is that just when they are small? I guess I'm just a little confused. Thanks so much for your me, I need it, LOL


Originally Posted by dnvrbrown
ok, this may be a really stupid question and if it is, please look over me....I'm new at this. I took it that when you read "minimum tank size", that is all you ever have to have for the fish. Is that incorrect? says min. 40 gallon and ***** says minimum 55 gallon. Is that just when they are small? I guess I'm just a little confused. Thanks so much for your me, I need it, LOL
Those numbers represent the absolute minimum size that you can safely house the particular fish as a juvenile. They do not take into account adult size unless it is specified.


They're trying to sell you fish and recognize that most people aren't keeping a 180g tank. I would stick to the yellow tang and butterfly for now and then in the future when you upgrade to a 180g(Trust me you will) you can add more tangs.
Those fish will be fine in that size QT temporary. Is it ideal? No, but it will work with proper water changes.
Now I know some of you might flame me for this...But I have a regal/BH is a 72 myself. She was about 1.5" when I got her. I plan on upgrading (and I know people say don't buy fish with "plans" of an upgrade because you might not actually do it) to a much bigger tank in the near future. I wanted to get my feet planted in this hobby before I got a tank too large. Now that I am much more confident I have no problem buying a bigger tank needed to house the fish (and some others) at their adult size. Not everyone wants to start off with a big tank, especially considering so many people quit and get out of the hobby. It doesn't matter what you have though, your tank is never big enough!


I have had the fish in the QT for 3 days now and so far, all levels are still great. Amonia and Nitrite are still at zero. I'm keeping a close eye on them though. Thanks for your input.