fish in qurantine



does anybody have any advice on how to get a new fish eating? it's a male lubbocks fairy wrasse and he still hides all the time. this is day 3, and he has still not eaten anything. i have tried garlic soaked food, but he didnt even budge. he just hides all day and doesnt move. any advice?


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it yet. Some can be very shy and take a while to get comfortable. 3 days isn't very long to not eat and besides, you can't watch him 24/7 and he may be getting something when you're not watching.
I always ask the LFS to feed the fish before I buy just to make sure they are eating. May want to consider that in the future.
Good Luck!


i usually buy fish from lfs but this time i ordered online. i wanted a male lubbocks fairy wrasse and my lfs only got females in after requesting males. maybe being in a bag for 24 hours caused more stress to him.