He said scientists hope the experiment can help explain why some people experience motion sickness while others do not.
because they just do.
way to burn $.
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE http:///forum/post/2483993
because they just do.
It would seem that you don't watch "House".
Nothing "just happens", there is a reason for everything.
I can ride a boat or a merry go round and be fine, but put me in the mountains and I'm all kinds of motion sick.
But I thought all that was due to some fluid in your ears. When it's not at rest, it messes up your stability, and equilibrium and all that??
Originally Posted by bessycerka http:///forum/post/2484126
next flight will be for the space walk...........
seems to be an algae problem in your space helmet.
you need to cut back on your lighting. what type of lighting do you have ?
Originally Posted by bessycerka http:///forum/post/2484126
next flight will be for the space walk...........
Goldfish really need to be kept in larger helmets...