Fish In Tank Are Dying HELP!


Hey Guys,
Last night I added a Flame Angel and this morning I see that my two perculas are dead. They have had ick before but it went away like 2 days before they died. The Angel now has ick and so does my baby yellow tang. The tangs fins look like they are getting eaten away by something, please help what should I do?!?


Active Member
First, you probably shouldn’t have added fish to your tank when you had a problem with ich—it’s very contagious. If I were in your situation, I’d set up a QT tank ASAP and get the remaining fish in it and treat with hyposalinity (I believe that tangs and angels are very sensitive to copper so I wouldn’t go that route).
Also, I’d let my display run fallow for 5+ weeks before reintroducing fish to make sure that all Ich is gone, if you don’t do this you run the risk of having another Ich outbreak. In future, you may want to qt all new fish before introducing to display tank. I’ve had my tank for several years now and I’ve never had Ich or any parasite because I QT everything.


Problem was, the Angel I got was form the LFS I work at and our saltwater tanks are HORRIBLE, i mean beyond horrible, all the fish die in the first week. I wanted to save this guy because he didn't have any ich on him at all and he was doing fine, but now he's dead too. (The Angel.)
I have a 20G tank that I have 2 blue damsels in and like 60lbs of LR (curing it for the fishtanks at work) so there's really no place to put the Yellow Tang right now because there's no room in there.
I also have a 75G cycling, actually has not started the cycle yet but saltwater is in it.


Active Member
What size tank is this? What are the specific water parameters? That is the first place that we must start. Must have pH, alk, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, specific gravity and temp to start.
What sort of filtration and circulation?


The tang just died. I don't know the levels as of right now but last time I checked, which was 2 days ago, everything seemed to be right on. It was a 30gallon tank. (Yes I know too small for a tang and angel but they were both babies and I was going to put them into the 75 gallon which is now cycling.


i have a flame and kole tang, they got ich.. i hit them with melafix, and light copper dose for a week, and it cleared right up... i didnt have any corals at the time thou..


You have to use that stuff for weeks before it kills them all because it only kills them in one stage of their life cycle. They dont normally put that on the package. The best way is to put the fish in another hospital tank, use the permafix for a few days in the hospital tank and just wait for all the ick to die in the main tank. It takes about 3-4 weeks at 82 degrees. There are about 100 variations on how to do this so read up.