Fish in Tidewater Virginia


There are two good stores in the area. Tonya's Super Pet Center on Mercury Blvd and if you want to travel to VA Beach, there is Fish Safari. Tonya's has a good selection for fish, If your looking for corals I would suggest Fish Safari. HTH.


It is on Lynnhaven Parkway.
If you want their address and phone# do a search for fish safari on google or yahoo. I don't think we are allowed to give out web pages and stuff on this site. HTH.
Personnaly I get all my fish online through this site. Much better quality and I haven't had any problems.


Thank you so much. I have thought about ordering my fish offline, but would like to see them in real life before i buy any.


i wouldnt recommend animal jungle, their stuff just seems all half dead to me, i like fish safari alot more, alitte more expensive but i like to pry for knowledge there cause they seem pretty good with it, all they do is fish tanks so they better know their stuff