Fish in time out

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried taking out a fish from their DT that is territorial and aggressive toward new tank mates (my sixline) and placing him in a QT for a week or so and reintroducing him to the DT with any positive results?


Originally Posted by florida joe
Has anyone tried taking out a fish from their DT that is territorial and aggressive toward new tank mates (my sixline) and placing him in a QT for a week or so and reintroducing him to the DT with any positive results?

Yes. I have done that. You have to keep them out for a couple of weeks though so that the new fish gets comfortable.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Yes. I have done that. You have to keep them out for a couple of weeks though so that the new fish gets comfortable.
thanks Sir Q somthing i will try if my sixline gets out of hand when i introduce a new tank mate


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Has anyone tried taking out a fish from their DT that is territorial and aggressive toward new tank mates (my sixline) and placing him in a QT for a week or so and reintroducing him to the DT with any positive results?

florida joe, I keep a small school of pearlscale butterflies and the largest of them is the "boss" that I have to send to time-out about once every 6-8 months. I just use a piece of egg-crate that I've cut to fit the tank and lock off a small portion of the tank for him. I keep him in there for about a week to a week and a half and it has worked like a charm.
Sometimes changing/adding live rock will help, too. The idea here is to help the new fish establish territory and to alienate the more aggresive fish a bit.


Originally Posted by florida joe
seems like they are BIG TIME
If you have the right tankmates for him then he won't be so bad though. What other fish do you have?


Active Member
They are territorial and most of the time seem to taunt new additions to the system. florida joe is trying to hit the reset button on his territory, so to speak. That would work, or you could also try moving some LR around to do the same.
Your method may work better than the LR arrangement one.


Originally Posted by paintballer768
They are territorial and most of the time seem to taunt new additions to the system. florida joe is trying to hit the reset button on his territory, so to speak. That would work, or you could also try moving some LR around to do the same.
Your method may work better than the LR arrangement one.
I dont doubt your method at all, as long as there is good flow. I have a hawk that would love to attack any new fish. He doesn't adapt well to new fish. The last fish that I added ws a dwarf lion. Sir quizz tried to bully him but the lion will not be bullied. Sir quizz stepped down. I have had to remove him before though. It worked well for him and myself.