Fish in what order?


New Member
I am anticipating adding fish (only when everything is zero of course!) and have been reading up in the Scott Michael Marine Fish book as recommended here.
For a 75 gal. FO, CC with no live rock or sand, can I put in the following?
Yellow Tang-only one
Wrasse-five lined-maybe
Dwarf Angel-coral beauty
Fridmani dottyback-one
Pair of Clowns ? If so, which type are best without anemone for now?
Any other recommendations?
Any certain order to add them in (planning 2 weeks between each)?


New Member
Anybody out there?
I really just want to make sure that I don't screw up and have anything too aggressive together.


I don't know the answers to your questions but, what part of KC are you from??? Do you know about It is a site for people in the area. It has a forum like this also and the people are very helpful just like here. Plus some local stores post sales on there.
I am new also.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
add the clowns 1st, but you need to wait for your tank to mature until you get the anemone (about 6 months). the clowns dont have to have an anemone to live. I dont know what a 5 lined wrasse is but if its close to the 6 line, id add him after the clowns, followed by the fridmani. Id add the tang last, he'll be the larger of the fish and the most territorial. The coral beauty is one of the easier angels but still needs good water conditions. You need to wait a few months before adding this fish. Add him right before you add the tang. These fish need to be added in the coarse of 2-3 months. allow at least 2 weeks between each.
this is just what i'd do,


Coral Beauty and Yellow Tang will probably need live rock to graze on but the rest of your fish will do fine with no live rock or sand. You can keep a very nice fish only tank without live rock, but some of the more delicate fish will need live rock. (angels, tangs, manderine gobies).


New Member
:) :)
Thanks everybody! I am glad to ask these questions now rather than later. I guess I thought that if I wanted to add live rock later I just add 'cured' rock. Sounds like there is more to it than that.
I have been cycling since Jan. 6th and only had a trace of nitrites on Sunday with 0 ammonia and 10 nitrates. The four mollies I have in there and the new cleanup crew are doing well.
I will check out the local KC site, I live just on the Missouri side in Gladstone. Have been to the new (Nov. 2002) Reef store in Westport and those guys are pretty cool. Beats the heck out of some of the others. :p


Yeah, the reef store is one of the companies that sponsors the site...they also have specials they post there from time to time....that is where I got my lr...they have lots of good stuff.