fish keep dieing


New Member
i have had my tank up for 3 weeks and my fish are all of a sudden dieing my salinite is good my nitrates are good please help me out?


Active Member
You need to test for ammonia and nitrites. This is far more deadly to fish then nitrates.
As previously posted...did your cycle your tank? How many fish were placed in the system and when? Did they go in all at once? Any live rock placed in the tank recently?


tank needs at least 6-8 weeks to cycle with no fish in it and then only hardy inverts should go in 1st for a week or two, then a couple hardy fish. add only cured live rock to your tank, if not fully cured you will wipe out your tank again!


New Member
yes i have added one new live rock but my fuzzy lion & yellow tang were in for three weeks and my tomato clown&anenname are doing well i have added apowder blue &powder brown but myblue only lasted one day the place i bought my fish fromcheck my water and said i have no problem dont know what else to do help.............:confused:


Active Member

Originally posted by jeffreyjas
yes i have added one new live rock but my fuzzy lion & yellow tang were in for three weeks and my tomato clown&anenname are doing well i have added apowder blue &powder brown but myblue only lasted one day the place i bought my fish fromcheck my water and said i have no problem dont know what else to do help.............:confused:

Powder blue and brown tangs require a larger tank then a 29 as do yellow tangs. . You probably have ammonia and nitrite problems which is why your fish are dying. THe lfs is steering you wrong and evidently just want your money.
I suggest you buy your own test kits and learn how to tesst the water....or take it for testing to another lfs.
Finally, live rock needs to be fully cured before adding to the display tank. You have so many issues going on....not your fault if you are listening to the lfs.
First thing you should do is get your ammonia and nitrite levels checked as suggested. Come back and let us know the readings. THey should be zero!
Please do not place another thing in your tank until you can determine where the system stands.


Active Member
The first thing you should do is empty your tank of everything.
Then go buy this book.
New Marine Aquarium by Michael C Paletta
Once you are done reading it try setting up your tank again.
Whoever allowed you to put those fish in your tank needs to be shot. Please please return them if you value their lives at all.


Active Member

Originally posted by bdhough
The first thing you should do is empty your tank of everything.
Then go buy this book.
New Marine Aquarium by Michael C Paletta
Once you are done reading it try setting up your tank again.
Whoever allowed you to put those fish in your tank needs to be shot. Please please return them if you value their lives at all.

I second that post.


jeffery, whatever the crzy lfs told you bro was a mistake if they said you can have thos fish in there than their just plain:confused: what i would do(and i know you dont wanna hear this)is go back to the pet store and see if you can get credit for them.then go home and do a water change and let the tank sit and stabilize. then you can start from scratch with a properly cycled tank and not a crazy bio load. trust me youll keep losing fish man and it kinda kills your motivation and wallet in this hobby fast. if you need recomandations as to what fish you can put in a 29, me and everyone else here is more than willing im sure to offer up suggestions.good luck and keep me posted on your progress~Gill~