fish keep dying!!!


New Member
i have a 55 gal tank .i have 1 damsel in there for about 4 months any other fisn i put in dyes after a week or 2..wut am i not doing ..?


Active Member
Could have been damaged in shipping. Just rember alot of people look for vivible signs on a fish that is dying. Sometimes it can be something we cant see. I imagine fish have some sort of colds or flus or other types of viruses. My point. Dont blame your water everytime, sometimes it can be other things you have no control over. But do check your water to make sure its not you.
Good Luck


Active Member
By the way. Damsels once established in a tank can become very territoral. They will fight off every other one you add.. Might want to consider trading him in on a more peacfull clown or something.
If your water levels (ammo and trites) are at 0, i would put money on the damsel being territorial.
If thats the case, 86 the damsel and get a real fish ;)