Fish known to swim in Upper Zone of aquarium


So I have plenty of action going on my 90gal at the bottom and lower middle sections but almost nothing going on from middle to top except for my two green chromis that love to swim. It seems 35% or more of the volume of the tank is upper level and just open water. Any good fish suggestions to add some balance that are known to swim toward the top?
I currently have;
2 chromis
1 Royal, always hiding
1 Clown who is fun but always swimming around rock work
2 Cleaner shrimp
Lots of shrimp and hermits....


Originally Posted by saltfish123
b-fly's are very active fish, my racoon swims non stop.
Be careful which butterfly you choose. How old is your tank? There are a few butterflies that would work in your 90. It all depends on how much rock, and how old the rock is.


Active Member
The 2 tusks that I had swam on the upper half of my tank, then they jumped out, I'm not sure of a tusk in a 90 gallon though.


Originally Posted by gregghia
What is the care like for Blue hippo. Like the fish, is it community or a "jumper"
he is a cool fish easy to take care of not a jumper he likes to hide sometimes make sure you have enough rock work sometimes they play "dead" by lying on there side but he is just playing with the clown fish he didnt do good when i had a yellow tang that was smaller than him he was fighting with it now that have a yellow tang that is about four times his size he is best friend with him but he swims all over the tank


I have a Firefish that is almost always at the top. Not sure if it is a species trait or jut my Firefish.


Active Member
Both my fairy wrasses swim towards the top, and are very active swimmers. My midas blenny was also a top water swimmer, he stayed so high up he eventually jumped out


Active Member
Looks like you already have a clown and it sticks to the rocks, but just to throw in my experience, my 2 ocellaris clowns spend all their time in the upper half of the tank and never are down by the rocks...

good alex

Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Looks like you already have a clown and it sticks to the rocks, but just to throw in my experience, my 2 ocellaris clowns spend all their time in the upper half of the tank and never are down by the rocks...

same here


Active Member
Yeah same here with the clownfish. I would love to see my clwonfish swimming between the rocks or just by them. 20 hours of the day at least hes at the top and stays all night in at the very top right corner of my tank. u can just stick ur finger in there and touch him if you wanted. hes always at the top


If you raise the level of your live rock higher up in your tank it will make allow your fish the comfort to go up father. just pile you rock up taller and i think you will see alot more action


Midas Blenny's love being front and center

Mine is usually always in the upper water column, "preening" and looking beautiful!


Active Member
Most tangs are active swimmers. My sailfin tang is constantly going back and forth. Chromises, which you already have, are the most active fish I have and I enjoy watching those a lot.


Originally Posted by Kanicky
Midas Blenny's love being front and center

Mine is usually always in the upper water column, "preening" and looking beautiful!
My midas blenny is the same way. Mine loves the attention and loves to eat.
It really never spooks or is scared and when ever I come close to the tank it almost rams the glass, almost like it is trying to break through and touch me!
It's my favorite fish!
A Fish to definitely consider!!!
A good reef safe fish and is non-aggressive!