Fish-less reef tanks.


Active Member
Anyone have one?
I don't know about other areas but obtaining quality fish specimens in my area is next to impossible. They are either obviously suffering from or exposed to parasites or swimming around in copper soup.
AT this point I am considering removing what fish I have in my tank adding more rock and corals and leaving what inverts I have and start referring to it as a coral garden rather than an aquarium.


some people do it; and it really isn't that big of a deal as long as the tank still looks nice; but i would keep the fish you have now
thought about doing this as well because the coral is what interests me. However the wife wanted a "FISH" tank so you can guess what happened there. We stopped at five fish in a 125. It is nice having some motion in there while the corals start t fill in.


I know a guy who started off this way with his 125 and wow with his setup and the amount of different corals he had i could care less about fish too! But after awhile the hobby bites back and the need for new things always occurs, so in his case he got to saddle bacs (clowns) and 2 engineer gobies, all somewhat small to give the appearance of a big reef (which it is!!)....