Fish limits


I just have a quick question. I am in the process of starting a salwaterfish tank it is a small tank (only 29 gallons) my question is after the tank cycles I am wondering about the fish i can add. My must haves (if i can have are as follows in preference.....
1. Goby- Mandarin green or spotted. I would like both but if that is too much no biggie if i can have one or the other
2. Perc. Clown Just a cool fish and I would really like to have it ( more questions to come later about the anenome....and lighting)
3. Yellow Tang As for this fish I belive they can get rather large but if I get a small one can it last in my tank for about a year untill I can upgrade to a 75gallon or larger.
The above fish are the ones I really want however another fish that I really want is a Lionfish. From what I have read I don't think it is a compatible fish with a reef. I have seen some pic's of some in a reef though I don't know that it is a full blown reef or a FOWLR tank.
Like I said before I am planning on a tank upgrade in about a year to a 75gallon+ tank (not sure if I want to convert the snake tank I have 100+ gallons or just buy a new tank...opinions on that are welcome as well....ball python does not need a tank that big)
I was looking at the Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish becuase being a smaller fish they might be less likely to pick on others.
So, my question, is this too many fish for such a small saltwater tank ( the fist 3) and if it is possible is the lion fish going to put me over the limit?
Thanks for the help.
Trying to avoid the....,
P.S. If anyone thinks I need more detail or help then should be posted please email me at
I do know that it will be sometime and a slow process before I can add anyfish


Active Member
i never had a yellow tang but from what everyone says u should not have a tang in a tank that small...i have a 30g myself and personally from what i have been hearing would not even consider putting a tang in there


Thank you,
That is why I asked. The big question about the Yellow Tang is how fast they grow because like I said i will be starting a larger tank in about a year. If I get a small one will it be comfortable untill I get a larger tank or should I absolutely wait. ( I know that if you have to ask yourself the question: should I wait? that the answer is usually yes you should, but I am wondering if I can swing it with the tank upgrade coming?)


Welcome.....IMO you are overstocking
1) Goby will be ok, but no mandarin as they need a well established tank.
2) Clowns are ok on a 29gl, but no anemone, tank is way small and also lighting will be an issue, MH is your best option.
3) NO YT, no matter if you are going to upgrade or not, if you are willing to upgrade as you said, just wait and don't make the YT suffer, they need lots of room to swim...i know it's a pretty fish, but the YT will stress out on a small tank.
A dwarf lion if you want I think you will be able to have in a 29gl, but I believe by itself and no other fishes...
It's my opinion, but other people may agree or disagree....Good Luck and as you know read and do search on those fishes and their living ways....


Active Member
i am a bad person to talk to about this...because there are a lot of things which i do and i know i shouldn't...but when i c something i want i can't wait....i have little patience and this is a hobby which requires a ton of patience....i am getting better but.....but yeah i'd say prolly no to the tang cause they need a lot of room...but hey no one is gonna stop u from getting a small one and c how it goes....they aren't that expensive....if it makes it then u r in good shape...haha....all in all though everyone on here would prolly tell u to stay away from the tangs...i have a few clowns in my tank...lawnmower blenny three damsels(which i would love to get out of there) i have ten hermits or so and four snails...three feather dusters...most of this stuff i had in there before i was even done cycling...but these guys r troopers....i also have about 75 lbs of lr....


I guess the Yellow Tang is out. It will just have to wait untill I get a bigger tank.
As far as the goby goes if it will be ok with the tank size I will wait untill the tank can support him. Unless by then I have my bigger tank in which case I will just wait longer.
So far from the responses it looks as though the only fish I might fit are the Perc. Clown or the Dwarf Fuzzy Loin. I dont suppose I can have both so what in you guys or girls opinions would be most rewarding to have?....In a reef tank because I think I will find the whole reef idea with the inverts and everything rewarding in itself I would just really like some fish in there.


Active Member
i would like to get my damsels out and just have a variety of cool clowns and a bunch of corals


Originally Posted by chadman
i am a bad person to talk to about this...because there are a lot of things which i do and i know i shouldn't...but when i c something i want i can't wait....i have little patience and this is a hobby which requires a ton of patience....i am getting better but.....but yeah i'd say prolly no to the tang cause they need a lot of room...but hey no one is gonna stop u from getting a small one and c how it goes....they aren't that expensive....if it makes it then u r in good shape...haha....all in all though everyone on here would prolly tell u to stay away from the tangs...i have a few clowns in my tank...lawnmower blenny three damsels(which i would love to get out of there) i have ten hermits or so and four snails...three feather dusters...most of this stuff i had in there before i was even done cycling...but these guys r troopers....i also have about 75 lbs of lr....

I totally agree with you, but just because is cheap doesnt mean that we all should depend on that....We shouldnt be thinking about how much they are, but what would be the best enviroment for them...Agree, lots of hobbiest are very unpatient regarding SWF and that's one of the cause of tank failures and fishes dying....
You were luck to have those survive in your tank if it was even before cycling your tank, but honestly IMO I don't wasnt to encourage anyone that they could be luck as you....I am not picking on your statement or you, but just trying to help out some other SWF hobbiest.

Hey Wrong, I would go with some clown and goby for reef, you won't be disappointed.....Good Luck and welcome.....


Originally Posted by chadman
i would like to get my damsels out and just have a variety of cool clowns and a bunch of corals

Hey chad, good idea, your tank would look nice....Damsels for some reason I dont like them....Little agressive beasts...Why dont you take them out and trde to your LFS....


Active Member
no offense taken...when i started i new nothing...and my lfs was no help....i had all the fish in my tank only three days after having water in the tank....only the lawnmower blenny and the feather dusters and scallops have i added after the fact....its crazy! my next tank i will not do things this way i promise


Yeah i know, we all leanr from our mistakes and others.....That's why we grow and look towards best results.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Hey chad, good idea, your tank would look nice....Damsels for some reason I dont like them....Little agressive beasts...Why dont you take them out and trde to your LFS....

how do i catch them?!?! i have a lot of lr in my tank...and they are impossible to catch


I will not be getting the Yellow Tang then. As was stated previously it isnt about the price as much as the fact that it is an animal I am taking responsibility for. ( might sound cheezy but I treat my fish as I would my dog....who really is prolly my best friend.)
Since the clowns seem to be a good choice I will go with them. I am wondering if the Mandarin goby will be ok or if that is a fish that cant be added to a tank untill years of stability. I am not afraid to feed the fish extra if that will help get it a little sooner but like I said I am new to this and dont know if that is a healthy practice with that particular fish.
Sorry for the amount of questions but I am at the point that fish cant be added untill the cycle is complete and I would like more opionions then what the LFS has to offer.


Active Member
i believe the goby's eat copepods which are tiny shrimp like things which i haven't seen yet and u won't see for six months or longer from what i understand


Originally Posted by WrongMove
I will not be getting the Yellow Tang then. As was stated previously it isnt about the price as much as the fact that it is an animal I am taking responsibility for. ( might sound cheezy but I treat my fish as I would my dog....who really is prolly my best friend.)
Since the clowns seem to be a good choice I will go with them. I am wondering if the Mandarin goby will be ok or if that is a fish that cant be added to a tank untill years of stability. I am not afraid to feed the fish extra if that will help get it a little sooner but like I said I am new to this and dont know if that is a healthy practice with that particular fish.
Sorry for the amount of questions but I am at the point that fish cant be added untill the cycle is complete and I would like more opionions then what the LFS has to offer.

Hey wrong, too much question is never too much, we are here to learn and understand the process of been a good SWF hobbiest....

Mandarins usually feed on copepods and a new tank won't provide that, but you may want to try asking your LFS to feed brine or mysis shrimp to one of them and if they take than you know he is eating otherwise they will starve to death.......
i wouldnt add any fish before your cycle is over....Ater that you can start adding some cleaning crew and than a clown..Remember it takes some time to cycle and you need to read your tank everyday to chec on spike or you can take to your LFS and have them tested.......


Originally Posted by chadman
how do i catch them?!?! i have a lot of lr in my tank...and they are impossible to catch

Hey chad try a fish trap with a bottle of 2 liter coke....cut the top, put the top upside down inside the bottle and add some fish food inside...Try search on fish trap and you will find many choices....if you can't catch them your best way is take your LR and catch them...Good Luck


I will start with the clown then. I did read on this site that they prefer to be kept in groups. So would it be best to get 2 or just stick to one? Also is the Perc. the best choice? I am looking for something fun to watch and nice to look at. I do realize that it will probably be another 3 weeks maybe more till the tank is ready for anything. Also would it be better to start with the inverts and give them a couple weeks first. (this is what I am leaning toward but I dont have the experience to know if it is best choice as food souces may be scarse for this period.) Also for the clowns I see a lot on the aquacultured breeding of them. I feel that this is a great thing as it has less impact on the natural environment and would prefer that all my fish came this way although I don't know if that is possible?
Also thanks for all the comments about damsels from everything I have read they are a complete pain in the rear. I was considering them to help the tank grow but from what I have seen posted they are more of pain then anything.


Also thanks for all the comments about damsels from everything I have read they are a complete pain in the rear. I was considering them to help the tank grow but from what I have seen posted they are more of pain then anything.
It all depends on what you want to do with your tank. Damsels do get territorial and aggressive as they get larger but they're also beautiful fish, inexpensive, and about as hardy as they come. Damsels would be great for a smaller tank! I think a smaller tank, FOWLR (fish only with liverock), with a little school of damsels as the "centerpiece" would be gorgeous, personally.
All you have to keep in mind is after you add a damsel to the tank it will be harder to add anything afterwards so plan your stocking list and when to add what carefully.


mandarins need a 75-100 gallon to cope with their feeding habits because they eat all the time but a 29 wont be a big enough and and get a flame angel or something nice and if you have strong enough lighting get a anemone and some corals and a clam if possible and shrimb are really cool but if you get a yellow tang at one inch i say it will work for a year or longer but every thing is your desision