Fish list for 180 corner


Finally got this one up and running. Currently working on an order of live rock.
While I am working on that I need some ideas for fish. Anyone whos got a few ideas please post. Any comments post also.
I would like to go with semi aggressive and sps only.
Thanks to all who post in advance



Active Member
Really nice. I cant wait till you get the live rock in and some fish. How long has it been set up? How are you cycling?

ledzep fan

Active Member
Well this really depends on what type of tank you would like to have. If you want corals and etc, go towards a reef tank. If you like Triggers and eels and ect, go towards a fish only. This is just my opinion though, if i had to choose it would be a reef tank because there is a lot of color in a reef tank. Have a great night.
The Zep


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Really nice. I cant wait till you get the live rock in and some fish. How long has it been set up? How are you cycling?
It has been set up for about 1 week right now. Got a 35 pound piece of live rock starting the cycle right now and all my bio balls from my 125 in there too.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Well this really depends on what type of tank you would like to have. If you want corals and etc, go towards a reef tank. If you like Triggers and eels and ect, go towards a fish only. This is just my opinion though, if i had to choose it would be a reef tank because there is a lot of color in a reef tank. Have a great night.
The Zep
Thanks. I have seen some semi aggressives with sps and they look great. I already have a reefmix. Want to do strictly sps.


a little of everthing. But my poor acros take such a beating from my leathers.
So this next tank won't have any leathers in it. The 115 has
1 flame angel
1 yellow tang
1 Blue hippo
1 elbi angel
2 fire fish
1 purple fire fish
1 flashing wrasse
2 clown fish
2 bangai cardinals
5 baby bangai cardinals
1 shrimp goby
1 watchman goby
1 Dartfish
1 Fox Face
1 Mandrain


Active Member
Amazing tank!!! WOW Im sure your 180 will look even better! Great job on that, that hippo rlly stands out and looks great.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Amazing tank!!! WOW Im sure your 180 will look even better! Great job on that, that hippo rlly stands out and looks great.


Active Member
well u know me im a fan of the semi aggressive reef tank lol
i think a reef with sps should have a nice trigger in it


What would be a nice fish selection with a trigger?
If I can make this tank look 1/2 as good as yours murph I will be happy.


Active Member
thanks but ur current tank is pretty awesome i must say!

well each trigger has its own attitude so i cant be 100% positive in saying it wont botehr anything but most likely fish would be fine any small shrimps might be questionable....
i really like my fishes personality but it is a pig! i mean it eats anything and everything from nori to shrimp to lettuce and mysid so just make sure u feed them enough or they might start to get into trouble... same with my fuzzy dwarf lionfish
anyways im a big fan of schooling fish i really like anthias but some are harder to care for than otehrs i have a small group of lyertail anthias they are very pretty....
if u wanna go cheaper get some green chromis they usually school together and look nice in larger tanks
u could get a pair of watanabe angels they are a lil finiky though but look really ncie and are totally reef safe...
any kind of tangs would like nice
i really like my lawn mower blenny as a working fish he keeps the rocks polished...
mandarins are nice lookin fish....
and no tank can be without some kind of clown fish or pair
what u think


Active Member
i second that i have 6 blue/green chromis and they are always schooling and really put an awesome touch on my tank!


New Member
NICE TANK. i love those corner tanks. i'm in the middle of getting four of them to make a giant circular tank in my house. (just got to talk the wife into it). as far as the fish i saw that some people suggested the blue chromis. i might have just got a bad one but my blue chromis is actually a bully. its kind of funny because the only other fish i have now are a lmb a dwarf lion and a corral beauty but i had a black and white damsel and my blue actually killed my other damsel so i would go against the blue devil damsel but like i said maybe i had a bad seed and if others have had better luck with them then maybe they are fine but i know i will never get another one of them. anyway good luck getting new fish is the funnest part of a new aquarium.


Originally Posted by murph145
thanks but ur current tank is pretty awesome i must say!

well each trigger has its own attitude so i cant be 100% positive in saying it wont botehr anything but most likely fish would be fine any small shrimps might be questionable....
i really like my fishes personality but it is a pig! i mean it eats anything and everything from nori to shrimp to lettuce and mysid so just make sure u feed them enough or they might start to get into trouble... same with my fuzzy dwarf lionfish
anyways im a big fan of schooling fish i really like anthias but some are harder to care for than otehrs i have a small group of lyertail anthias they are very pretty....
if u wanna go cheaper get some green chromis they usually school together and look nice in larger tanks
u could get a pair of watanabe angels they are a lil finiky though but look really ncie and are totally reef safe...
any kind of tangs would like nice
i really like my lawn mower blenny as a working fish he keeps the rocks polished...
mandarins are nice lookin fish....
and no tank can be without some kind of clown fish or pair
what u think
That is some good Ideas there. I am sure on the trigger and am currently reaserching that list of triggers you gave me on your other post. The fuzzy lion is a must. I do like the ideas of your schooling fish. I would appreaciate any pics you have of them or some close ups of your lion or trigger. Thanks

Great ideas


Originally Posted by psusocr1
i second that i have 6 blue/green chromis and they are always schooling and really put an awesome touch on my tank!
feel free to leave any pics you have of them schooling


Originally Posted by taznut
that tank is awesome... some one want to give me that $ to do that??? please.,..
and I don't have any money left now to give to anyone.