Originally Posted by
thanks but ur current tank is pretty awesome i must say!
well each trigger has its own attitude so i cant be 100% positive in saying it wont botehr anything but most likely fish would be fine any small shrimps might be questionable....
i really like my fishes personality but it is a pig! i mean it eats anything and everything from nori to shrimp to lettuce and mysid so just make sure u feed them enough or they might start to get into trouble... same with my fuzzy dwarf lionfish
anyways im a big fan of schooling fish i really like anthias but some are harder to care for than otehrs i have a small group of lyertail anthias they are very pretty....
if u wanna go cheaper get some green chromis they usually school together and look nice in larger tanks
u could get a pair of watanabe angels they are a lil finiky though but look really ncie and are totally reef safe...
any kind of tangs would like nice
i really like my lawn mower blenny as a working fish he keeps the rocks polished...
mandarins are nice lookin fish....
and no tank can be without some kind of clown fish or pair
what u think
That is some good Ideas there. I am sure on the trigger and am currently reaserching that list of triggers you gave me on your other post. The fuzzy lion is a must. I do like the ideas of your schooling fish. I would appreaciate any pics you have of them or some close ups of your lion or trigger. Thanks
Great ideas