Originally Posted by tang_tank
NICE TANK. i love those corner tanks. i'm in the middle of getting four of them to make a giant circular tank in my house. (just got to talk the wife into it). as far as the fish i saw that some people suggested the blue chromis. i might have just got a bad one but my blue chromis is actually a bully. its kind of funny because the only other fish i have now are a lmb a dwarf lion and a corral beauty but i had a black and white damsel and my blue actually killed my other damsel so i would go against the blue devil damsel but like i said maybe i had a bad seed and if others have had better luck with them then maybe they are fine but i know i will never get another one of them. anyway good luck getting new fish is the funnest part of a new aquarium.
I would like to see some pics of that when it is done or being done. Thanks for the info will keep it in mind
NICE TANK. i love those corner tanks. i'm in the middle of getting four of them to make a giant circular tank in my house. (just got to talk the wife into it). as far as the fish i saw that some people suggested the blue chromis. i might have just got a bad one but my blue chromis is actually a bully. its kind of funny because the only other fish i have now are a lmb a dwarf lion and a corral beauty but i had a black and white damsel and my blue actually killed my other damsel so i would go against the blue devil damsel but like i said maybe i had a bad seed and if others have had better luck with them then maybe they are fine but i know i will never get another one of them. anyway good luck getting new fish is the funnest part of a new aquarium.
I would like to see some pics of that when it is done or being done. Thanks for the info will keep it in mind