Fish list for 180 corner


Originally Posted by tang_tank
NICE TANK. i love those corner tanks. i'm in the middle of getting four of them to make a giant circular tank in my house. (just got to talk the wife into it). as far as the fish i saw that some people suggested the blue chromis. i might have just got a bad one but my blue chromis is actually a bully. its kind of funny because the only other fish i have now are a lmb a dwarf lion and a corral beauty but i had a black and white damsel and my blue actually killed my other damsel so i would go against the blue devil damsel but like i said maybe i had a bad seed and if others have had better luck with them then maybe they are fine but i know i will never get another one of them. anyway good luck getting new fish is the funnest part of a new aquarium.
I would like to see some pics of that when it is done or being done. Thanks for the info will keep it in mind


Active Member
i love my fuzzy lion... but y only of the fuzzy, that is a big tank... is a 180 big enough for a stingray??? i want one really bad but dont think he would be happy in my 20gal... lol...


I would love to do a stingray in this tank but people suggest that there is not enough room due to being a corner tank. And the corals that I want to put in may be detrimentail to the poor guy
But thanks for the input


scratch off that undulated and clown.....way to aggressive for any reef.... and the undulate will eventually make the community a single live in :)


not really, these are a by themself fish...well thats how I took it by it being semi aggressive, being one fish and thats it(any others would just get stressed no matter how aggressive, one is going to be the bully) in any aggressive tank one fish would be the way to go. ask sonnyg about it his undalated trigger ate up a 12 inch lionfish over twice the size of the trigger in a 210 or 180 cant remember. but i took it as only one fish was going in the tank, I just gave a list of some cool fish


Originally Posted by Squishy
anybody else

Hey Squishy, do you have heat issues with the oceanrunner pumps?
I have a Gen-x pump and believe it or not I don't need a heater, but cannot due without a chiller.
Oh well, at least the chiller heats my room...


Originally Posted by BOOGAMAN
not really, these are a by themself fish...well thats how I took it by it being semi aggressive, being one fish and thats it(any others would just get stressed no matter how aggressive, one is going to be the bully) in any aggressive tank one fish would be the way to go. ask sonnyg about it his undalated trigger ate up a 12 inch lionfish over twice the size of the trigger in a 210 or 180 cant remember. but i took it as only one fish was going in the tank, I just gave a list of some cool fish

denfently some cool fish thanks


Originally Posted by XoXoX
Hey Squishy, do you have heat issues with the oceanrunner pumps?
I have a Gen-x pump and believe it or not I don't need a heater, but cannot due without a chiller.
Oh well, at least the chiller heats my room...
I haven't noticed any heat issues with the pumps yet. The tank is in the basement so heat issues are not a problem even with 3 halides on it. the tank stays at a stable 79 degrees. Thanks to one bad ass heater.