Fish list for 20g long?


Active Member
in a 20 gal long i would go with a couple tangs, a couple large angels and a lion fish for sure!!!

a perc, a firefish and a clown goby and a peppermint shrimp...


Originally Posted by bjoe23
perc clown
clwon goby
cleaner shrimp
Like that?
Yes, just like that. And I am leaning towards a true perc for the clown. Either a fire or peppermint shrimp, not sure about a CBS. There are a few damsels I like but I dont think Im going to touch them. The Tail Spot Blenny is a pretty one.


Originally Posted by dskrezyna
Hey all,
Im looking for 3 fish and 1 shrimp. What would you suggest? I definately want one clownfish.

I recommend a fire shrimp. Nice colors and great personality.


Active Member
i started with a 20 long, an i had 2 occelaris clowns, 1 yellow tailed damsel, and a coral banded shrimp. however, knowing what i know now, i would recommend:
1 true perc (since you want one)
1 sixline wrasse
1 lawnmower blenny (to help out with the inevitable hair algae outbreak)
and 1 peppermint shrimp, just because i think theyre a good thing to have incase a rock happens to bring in aip,
or a cleaner shrimp, whichever you prefer.
in a 20 long you could probably add another small swimmy fish, like if you wanted a pair of percs instead of just the one. (theyre so cute!) of course, you should be running a skimmer and check your levels often to be sure your not overstocking your tank.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
in a 20 long you could probably add another small swimmy fish, like if you wanted a pair of percs instead of just the one. (theyre so cute!) of course, you should be running a skimmer and check your levels often to be sure your not overstocking your tank.
Ive seen many posts with keepers who have 20g longs and none of them have used a skimmer. They've had 2 filters with great flow and havent reported any problems. My plan is to use two AC 110's (and powerheads if needed). Another reefer said 2 AC110s produces plenty of flow and didnt need a skimmer.
I dont expect to have more than three small fish and a shrimp.


Active Member
i have 2 B&W clowns a pajama cardinal and a yellow watchman goby. 1 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, 5 peppermint shrimp, and an emerald crab in my 20Long.
edit: i think a lawn mower blenny would outgrow that tank in less then a year. I know mine sure would have if he had been in my 20 long.


The amount of fish/bioload depends on how much filtration you have on your tank in the long run. If you have just enough filtration to get by I would not exceed 3 fish and a shrimp, if you have a substantial amount of filtration I would say you can bump it up to around 5 or 6 fish depending on the size of the fish and how much swimming room is required. All factors play a part in this.