fish list for 20gallon long sps tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandon7491
would this work
mandarian dragonet spotted
yellow watchman goby
3 blue damsels
royal gramma
no, yes, no, yes...
first off, mandarins are a bad idea in small aquariums and will die from lack of food. for further info use the search feature
the yellow watchman sounds good, i plan to put one in my 20 long im setting up right now
the 3 damsels are a bad idea becasue: that would be to many fish for the aquarium, blue damsels are mean and pesky, and there are much more cool fish out there
the royal gramma i have heard can be mean and territorial but ive never had one...
if i were you i would go with
yellow watchman
royal gramma
pair mated false percs
cherub angel
i think that will be a much more successful setup for you... thats the stock list in my 20 but instead of the royal gramma im gonna look for something more rare and exotic


welll ive had the mandarian for a year now in my 14 with and i guess u could say "trained" him to eat prepared food. i cant go with any angles cuz its sps. i really want no clowns what so ever. i want this reef tank to be like a fiji sps tank idk


Active Member
ok well its stilll iffy if you can keep him eating preped food, but if you are still successful then why not.... as for the angel and sps, the pygmy angels have less of a tendancy to pick on sps and clams, but its still chance.... im 14 too (15 today), im suprised to see how many people are actualy under 18 on here...

fish addict

I see no problem with the mandarin since it is eating frozen food but you don't want too many fish in your tank if it's going to be a sps tank. I would put about 3 fish max. So your mandarin and 1 or 2 other small fish.
Sounds like it will be a cool tank once it gets established! good luck!


yea yea it is gonna be kool cuz my friend has a 1400gallon sps tank and hes gonna hook me up like he always has. i think ima go for watchman goby,couple damsels and thats it also by the way im not 14 im 16 lol my old tank is 14gallon. n e way yea yea i just bought the ls today 40lbs so ill post pics of the tank when i get the chance


if youre going to buy damsels.. have you thoguht about buying the less common ones like the jewel, sgt. major, or the black & gold damsel?
Or do you plan to go with the classics? (3 stripe/domino/yellowtail)


Originally Posted by brandon7491
yea yea its going to be not just like 3 blue damsels lol. yes it will be an asortment of diffrent types not common
I'd hope not otherwise Id be very disappointed in you!


lol couldnt have that happen n e ways here is a pic of the tank with the 30lbs of ls added. i already cycled the water with lr but i didnt have the sand so now i do