Fish List for 65g FOWLR


Originally Posted by estein02
So how does this revised list look? I'm not certain about the order so any input is appreciated.
1. Pair of Carpenter's Flasher Wrasses (can these both be added at the same time? If not I read that the female should be added first)
2. Pair of Percula Clowns
3. Gold Assessor Basslet
4. Lawnmower Blenny
5. Flame Hawkfish
6. Flame Angel
Seems like a lot of fish, but they are all small so I am hoping that it is okay. The one fish that I really want is the Flame Angel, so if I need to cutback I would prefer it be one of the other fish.
I still need to set up and cycle my QT tank so, unfortunately, it will be a few weeks before I even buy the first fish. Guess I'll have to enjoy my CUC for now!
Thanks again for the help.
Now I'm contimplating adding a dwarf lionfish after seeing a picture of murph's...absolutely beautiful. I open for suggetions on revising the list in my previous post to include a dwarf lionfish.


the flashers do best in groups of 3 or more with only one being male they are also jumpers so a top on the tank will be needed.
caution should be used with the hawk and angel
the hawk can go after more peacful fish and some inverts.
The angel can go after the corals if you choose to have them
The dwarf lions should be done with caution because anything that can fit into their mouths they can and will eat.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
the flashers do best in groups of 3 or more with only one being male they are also jumpers so a top on the tank will be needed.
caution should be used with the hawk and angel
the hawk can go after more peacful fish and some inverts.
The angel can go after the corals if you choose to have them
The dwarf lions should be done with caution because anything that can fit into their mouths they can and will eat.
Thank you very much. If I did decide to add a dwarf lionfish what fish would you eliminate? I believe the smallest fish on my list is the assessor.
So far for inverts I have red leg hermits, turbo snails, astraea snails, an emerald crab and a sally lightfoot. Do you think any of those would be food for the hawkfish? I read that the hawk and angel should be among the last fish added.
The angel is the fish I really want...are there corals that they are more likely to go after that should definitely be avoided?


angels are 50/50 some will never bother a coral and others will eat them up.
if its a fish that you are dead set on haveing just be prepared to have to possibly trade it in on another if it has a taste for corals.
the hawk can eay small inverts and can go after feather duster crowns but most of the time it leaves larger inverts alone.
if the hawk fish is smaller than the assessor then it may not bother it usually it will go after smaller peaceful fish but its always a possibility that it might.
really depends on the size of fish that you get if they are small and the lion can fit them its mouth then they can become dinner if the fish are close to adult size then you may not have that as an isue though.


Active Member
hey looks like a good list... just becareful even fuzzy lions like mine can and will eat smaller fish if they dont get feed enough.... its hard to say which should stay and go in order to make ur tank needs.... just take alook and see what u like mostly


Originally Posted by murph145
hey looks like a good list... just becareful even fuzzy lions like mine can and will eat smaller fish if they dont get feed enough.... its hard to say which should stay and go in order to make ur tank needs.... just take alook and see what u like mostly
Thanks Murph...Just one more question...when you say smaller fish would any of the fish on my list be considered smaller? I think the smallest one is the assessor so maybe I would nix that one. Do you think the others would be safe? When would you add the lion?


the accesor would def need to be nixed for a dwarf lion. And if the clowns are small they might get eaten.


Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
add a Midas Blenny. Those little guys are freakin' awesome!!

I'm with Golgi Aparatus- I love the midas blenny I have. It's not aggressive ,but it can defend itself when it needs to!


Just checked out the midas blenny on a neat looking fish...definitely worth considering.
I'm hoping my QT is cycled within 3 weeks, so I do have some time to fine tune my list and figure out which fish to add first.
Appreciate all the input!