Fish List for 90gal Reef - Critique Please!!!!!


New Member
OK... Tank is set up and awaiting fish.
90gal AGA - Oceanic Stage 2 Sump w/ Mag 9.5 return - ASM G3 Skimmer - 275 watts PCs - 4 maxi1200's (Tunze's coming soon)
115lbs LR & 120lbs LS
Tank has been running for 2 months and water quality is great..
Currently have a few Zoo's, Xenia, and Clove Frags and Corraline is spreading quick!!
Clean up Crew is snails only multiple species about 60 + total...
Its time for fish!! Heres the list of fish id like to keep *wishlist* - please critique!!
1 - Black Cap Basslet
2 - (pair) Clarkii Clowns w/ RBTA
2 - (pair) Swallowtail/Zebra Dwarf Angels (could switch for CB or Flame)
1 - Bristletooth Tomini Tang (possibly Sailfin for availability, dunno about size issues tho)
1 - Copperband Bfly
1 or 2 - Reef safe Fairy Wrasses (which ones depends on how much wife lets me spend as i LOVE the lineatus!)
2 - Fire Shrimp
1 - Arrow Crab
Thats about it - might add a few more zoo frags or softies as well. Please help critique my list and HELP with the order.
Thanks for the help!!
New Forum Member,


your list looks pretty good to me,
though i would watch your butterfly with the reef.
they are okay sometimes, but the occasional one will pick at coral polyps.
mine doesnt though, so i guess i got lucky!


New Member
Im aware of the acclimation/eating habits of the CBB and was planning on introducing him after the tank is WELL established..
Anyone else? All help is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
id say forget about the CBB because they are not totally reef safe any will pick and may different types of coral and also stick with only one dwarf angel because they are territorial to other dwarf angels and a 90 isnt really a sufficient size to house 2. I tried to have a CB and flame in my 90 about 1 year ago and it didnt work to well i had to bring one back and choose the flame to keep cause i liked the colors better


Active Member
Copperbands are really hard to adapt to aquarium life. Arguably the hardest of those readilly available. You have to get the youngest posible, richly colored one, that appears curious about his surroundings. Well at least in your reef tank he'll have all that yummy coral and sponge to eat :thinking:
Coral beauties are 1 of my favorites. Heres a good trick to help you get the one that doesn't eat your coral. Get them from different oceans. CBs live everywhere, ask your LFS where most of their coral and LR comes from, then try to get a CB that isn't from there. Not as hard as it sounds. Australia or Hawaii come to mind.


Active Member
I would also skip the buterfly because they are hard to get to eat and they will probably eat your corals. I would say only 1 dwarf angel as your tank isn't large enough to house 2. Also if you get more then 1 wrasse they will probably fight.