Fish List for 95g


Active Member
I'm getting my first tank(95g) for Christmas. I plan on having a lot of rock work. I'm going to start out with like 100lbs and add pieces here and there to make it look better. It's going to be a FOWLR I'm getting a UV sterilizer, a canister filter, and a protein skimmer(Hang on back)
about 1 month later after I have more money. I am not sure what kind of substrate to use becuase of my fish choices, because one of them is a burrower. Also let me know if this is overstocking it or pushing it....I aslo don't have any room to upgrade to anything larger than a 4ft tank so these fishes would have this as there final home.
1-Yellow Eyed (Kole) Tang
1-blue spotted jawfish
2-clowns (either true perculas or ocellaris)
1-Longnose Butterfly
And if I can 1-Flame Angel or Eibli Angel
I am wondering if live sand would be fine for the Jaw Fish or whether it needs a different kind of substrate because it is a burrower.
Thanks For all the help
PS:I posted this on the New Hobbyist thread so don't get mad I would just like more people to see it


Sounds like a good list to me. maybe add some snails and hermit crabs to keep your tank clean. The kole tang should be fine. I have one in my 90 gallon FOWLR. also I have a flame angel and he does great. The clowns wont take up much room so they sould also do well. I think that butterfly should be alright but don't add any corals. I don't know anything about jawfish. sorry. This isn't overstocking IMO


Active Member
thanks for the help..I'm not planning on getting any corals....does anyone know about the jawfish and substrate....o yeah I am getting some cleaner shrimp and clean up crew


Active Member
Looks like a pretty good list to me. Live sand is great for jawfish but it needs to be at least 4” so they can dig a burrow and it will need small chunks of rock to help shore it up (I will post a pic of the burrow my dusky has later on for you). Also, these guys are very tentative feeders and have trouble competiting with more aggressive eaters. Because of this, I feeds mine with a pipette and I will deposit food in his burrow so I know he gets enough to eat.
Second, you may want to look at passing on the UV unit and might want to look at investing the money you save there into a top of the line skimmer or using that money to invest in a fuge. IMO, UV units aren’t worth the money and add little value.


just a suggestion... I had a 90 fowlr, when I first set it up I did just about what you are doing. But later I wanted a sump and fuge. My advice to you is to go on and put one in. It wont hurt, you will be adding more water which is good. PLus you can put your heater, in sump skimmer, fuge. It will be alot harder to put one in later then now. you dont have to put anything in your sump now, just the return pump, but it will be ready for up grades later.


Active Member
We were going to go with a sump a protein skimmer and a UV initially but it came to be 3500$ budget is 2500 so I'll be upgrading later for one.


Is the $2500 including fish? Honestly, I'd look for some better deals. You should be able to get the tank/stand/hood for under $800. A decent skimmer is $250-300. Refugium can be quite a range but probably could get one ready to go for $400. Sterilizer is 200-250. This would leave $800 for pumps, heater, powerheads, livesand, liverock, etc.
I also think the fish list is excellent.


Active Member
It's not including fish. When I went to the LFS I got a quote for 2,650$...this includes the tank,stand,canopy,lights,plumbing,canister,UV,powerheads,Little Giant Pump,Heaters,Buckets,100lbs of Fiji Rock(cured),LS,water(200gallons of salt and 80 of RO) and he through in 50$ on top because you never know what could happen and also includes drilling the tank. I was aiming for 2,500 to set up my first tank. I almost forgot it has an overflow box installed. My dad was reading online and said that we should get an overflow box in the tank so i told him to knock his socks off. So we included that into the quote. The one question I have is what is its purpose? I know its drilled and you have knozzles coming out. when the tank is drilled in the bottom is that where th hoses come out is iside the overflow? I'm not setting up a QT but will have a hospital tank on hand though because the LFS quarantines their fishes for 3 weeks. Thats the general of it thanks for the help....more comments are welcome


You can do much better than that price IMO... my 220 was set up for less. A built in overflow is great and cannot be done once the tank is set up. It will regulate the water level in your tank and will adjust to the flow of your return pump. Much less risk of your display or sump overflowing even if your pump breaks down.


Originally Posted by Yimmy
2 or used...second...what kind of tank(reef,or fish only?)
1) New
2) fish only (with power compact lights for a few polyps)
I think you'd do better buying everything piecemeal. Look for deals. I'm not sure the LFS is giving you any deal for buying everything from them (although they should).


Active Member
This tank needs to mature before adding these fish:Kole tang,LN Butterfly,and either angel.
Those three fish will not tolerate a new tank{even right after it's cycled} For success I would add them last,after the tank is around the 6-8 month mark.
Add the Kole as the last fish,sometimes they can be intolerant of new fish.

fish fever

I bought my 95g wave tank (a new design by AGA) almost 2 weeks ago. I paid around $3k for it. It has almost everything including a 1/5 hp JBJ chiller, but no light or UV. I added a Current USA Orbit light unit which cost another $200. I did a lot of research online and found that the prices are a lot cheaper if you purchase the equipment online. You can save almost $500. However, I still let the LFS set it up for me as they have more experience with the set up. I paid for their expertise. The tank has been cycling for 2 weeks and everything seems to be working fine. It did have some leaks when it was first set up but the guy came back within 1/2 hour to fix it. They even came by to test the water for me.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing everything for my tank including the set up. But, the plumbing part was too complicated for me as it is my first SW tank in 20 years (my dad did it all when I was young). Next time I will buy my own equipment and enjoy the experience of setting it up myself (I saw how the LFS guy did it!).


Originally Posted by Fish Fever
It did have some leaks when it was first set up but the guy came back within 1/2 hour to fix it.
They fixed the leak or replaced the tank for you? I'd be concerned about a brand new tank leaking... unless you meant that the plumbing was leaking. Over time the pressure on the seams builds and weakens.
BTW I love those wave tanks... any pics. I've never seen one set up.


Active Member
Okay, I have a final list
1 Jawfish
2 Clowns...what kind is recommended(ocellaris or percs)
1LN Butterfly
1Either Eibli or Flame Angel...which is less agressive
1Kole Tang
I plan on introducing them in the order that I have them...or should I put in the 2 clowns first. I want the clowns to wind up being a mated pair so do I introduce them at the same time? I am also wondering if I should put the butterfly in before the angel.
Thanks for all the help

fish fever

Yes, the leaks were from the plumbing set up. The tank has no problem Let me try to post a picture.....not sure if I know how to do that......the file is too large! What should I do?


sounds like you can add a few more in a 95g. Maybe a wrasse or dottyback? Or you could probably do another tang, maybe a small yellow to start out?