fish list for a 125g


its been a hard decission but ive decided that Im going to buy a 125g tank i wanted to have some advice. The tank is going to have sand and prob 130lbs of live rock.
Would this be fine and what order would i have to put them in.
2 paired percula clown
1 blue tang
1 powder brown tang
1 royal gramma
1 lawnmower blenny
1 emperor angel fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Nice fish list Clownfish,then blenny,then Tangs,Then Angel,Then Royal Gramma
and what is your reasoning behind adding the royal gramma last? :notsure:
Personally, I think you've selected two tangs that are very prone to parasites. Be sure to quarantine them properly before adding them to the main tank.
I'd sugest only one tang, simply so that you could add some more variety rather than have three large fish competing for space.
The angel should be the last fish in and only after the tank is very well established with stable water parameters (6-8 months or better).
In lieu of one of the tangs, a pair of fairy wrasses would be very nice. Is this to be a FOWLR or reef?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Because they are aggresive.
Of the fish listed, the gramma is likely the least aggressive, and would most likely stake out a spot under a rock ledge. The others wouldn't bother it.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Are you talking about a Hippo Tang or another type of blue tang? If hippo tang then he can go in first any other type try to put the tangs in at the same time, this will prevent them fighting. Good luck nice selection you are keeping the population low good control. I always try to add to many like all the fish need at least 5 tanks for my wish list.


Active Member
i agree with the fact that your adding 3 big fish that WILL be competing for space. i would pick one tang, ditch the angel, and maybe think about some anthias or a pair of flasher wrasse.


Active Member
actually, rethinking what i said above. pretty much everybody with that size tank goes for anthias and flasher wrasse. the list you mentioned earlier will work fine until the tnags and angel start to get big. just buy them small and im sure you wont have to worry about it for a few years. as for the tangs being ich prone, its just a risk you have to be willing to take. QT them if you can, nad just feed them a healthy diet and im sure they'll be fine.


It a FOWLR and yes im Talking about a Hippo tang and I will look more into the fairy wrasses and is their any tang that is more hardy


A Yellow and/or a Purple is. And yeah Royal Grammas SOMETIMES get aggresive not matter what fish it is*with expections of course*


Active Member
everything sounds fine except perhaps the angel. If you have to have a large species angel go with something that stays a little smaller like an Annularis or Majestic. Add the royal gramma before the tangs, blenny and angel. In a tank that size makes no difference if you add the clowns or gramma first. Tangs, blenny's and angels MUCH more likely to harrass the gramma if added last then the other way around (its a gramma not a psuedo). I would do it in this order: gramma and clowns 1rst at the same time (should be no problem in a cycled 125), lawnmower blenny, hippo tang (if thats the tang otherwise the powder brown first), powder brown and angel last.
I've had all these fish your interested in at one point or another and together except the angel. If they are anything like dwarf angels definately add last. Right now I have hippo/powder brown together. Before that I had the hippo with a lawnmower blenny, royal gramma and one false perc. I had those in this order false perc,LM blenny, royal gramma and hippo added at the same time. Dont think for a minute a Powder brown cant get nasty with new comers. I had to take mine out for a week when I added my anthias and midas blenny. hope this helps. Hippo's do a lot of shadowing initially but no real aggression unless they are pretty large.


Yea i was thinking of taking the Angel fish out I still dont know what fish to replace that though is their any trigger or puffer that wouldnt bother any of the fish


Or you could get a smaller large Angel i'll give you 2 that I think are better suited.
Swallowtail Angel
Reef-Safe Yep
Min 70-but i'd say 90
Color(s)-Blue,Green usually
Xantharus Cream Angel
Same as above besides the colors
Color(s)-Green,sometimes blue,Yellow,Cream


I thinki i like the Swallowtail im going to keep that inmind and is there any difference in reef ready tanks and a normal tank


Active Member
reef ready just means they have the built in overflow(s) for a sump install. If you plan on having any type of sump you want the reef ready. hang on overflow boxes are a little more of a hassle although you will learn to get used to em if you end up without a reef ready tank.


so would it be better to spend the extra cash and get the reef ready and is their any trigger or puffer that is a community fish

a sea k

Originally Posted by kiki05
so would it be better to spend the extra cash and get the reef ready and is their any trigger or puffer that is a community fish
Check into the Blue Jaw Trigger. A zooplankton feeding trigger that may suit you. Still a big fish though.