fish list for a 75 gallon tank


i am new to this hobby and have a selection of fish that i love and wish to have. im getting a 75 gallon tank.
my question is will this have enough room for these fish.
1x Firefish Goby
1x Blue Hippo Tang
1x yellow watchman Goby
1x Longnose Butterfly
1x Copperband Butterfly
1x Coral Beauty Angel
1x Oriole Angel
2x Lyretail Anthias
if there is not a enough space, which i expect there won't be which fish will be the best to drop.
i will have 100-120 pounds of LR, a 2-3 inche think LS bed, many coral and a clean up crew of shrimp, snails and crabs,
3-4 powerheads and correct lighing.


Active Member
I would also add that that the oriole and coral beauty will probably not coexist in a 75 gal tank; I'm not sure if any two angels will.


These fish will be added through out the next 12 months.
the bloke at my LFS said that the two angels should be alright together, its only a problem when they are the same species, but weather thats right, i don't know.
so if i was to get a 90 gallon then it would be allright for these fish??
what make butterflies so hard to look after??? i know they are picky with food but if i pay close attention to the water conditions (which needs to be done reguarly anyway) what other problems could i encounter with these fellows.
how important is it to quarantine, some people on this site have never done it. Is it simply a choice and weather u trust ur LFS?? my LFS gets its fish in every thrusday so if i was to get them on the next wednesday would this be long enough to see any of the visual signs that the fish may have problems??


Active Member
Even for a 90, that's a LOT of inches of full grown fish, too much I'm afraid. It's nice too see that you plan on taking your time adding things and doing some good planning. Qt'ing is one of the best things you can do for your tank. It's not a matter of trust with your lfs. They may be very honest, but they can't control whether or not a fish has parasites. Lastly, a week is not long enough to observe a fish at the store. It's best to just assume every new fish has ich, and qt them under hyposalinity.


wat would a complete qt tank consists of.
what equipment?
how big should it be?
would i need LR and LS?? and how much
would it be ok to use it a a frag tank aswell??
im not rich so what would do the job without being expensive and without being to small for the fish??


well i almost garentee you whatever you spend on a qt would eb spent on new fish to replace the dead ones if you didn't buy a qt..........
i don't have a qt but wish i did...but then again i don't plan on introducing any fish its jsut corals and the 2 fish i already have in my 55


cheers for that it is rather easy to setup
should cost much at all, excellent. might even get it up and runnning before reef tank is ready to go.
is it smart to have some LR in a QT at all times as a filter??


a quarantine tank, as far as I understand, won't stay cycled -- if there's no bioload, the bacteria will all die. No?
When I qt I take water from my main tank which is already cycled, put it in the qt tank the day I put in the new fish. The other way I've heard is to just do daily partial water changes while qt'ing to keep an ammonia spike from happening.
Problem is ... with an empty tank sitting there in the long interludes between fish buys I get tempted to fill it with stuff and then I don't have a qt tank anymore!
One thing nobody asked of the original post: Are you hoping to have any corals in there? Because you've got a very reef-unfriendly gang there. Just asking because you posted on the reef board... Personally, I regret getting more coral beauty -- he picks at things.