Fish List for new tank

jim mcgonigle

New Member
I'm planning on starting a new 125 gallon (72") FOWLR tank. It will have a sump of size TBD.
I'm struggling w/ what fish to put in because of compatabilities (this is driving the tank so I want to figure this out first).
maroon clown
hippo tang
yellow tang
snowflake moray eel
volitan lion
trigger (humma humma or niger)
maybe a puffer...
I have a few concerns, but it seems like a workable combination. Is the trigger just going to be problems? I'm hoping the clown is big enough (smart enough) to avoid the lion when it gets big).
Suggestions appreciated.


Active Member
Those will work. Just watch the order in which you place them. Tangs should go last with the hippo probably last. Of the triggers the niger would probably be better. Not as aggressive as the picasso. If it was me I'd go maroon, sfe, volitans, yellow, niger then hippo. Makes sure water parameters are very stable before adding tangs and makes sure the lion you add is smallish.
May want to bounce this off the guys in the aggressive forum as well.
Good Luck in your plans!


two tangs in a 125 may be a risk normally I wouldn't recommend 2 in anything less than a 200. If I am not mistaken the yellow will be the more aggressive of the two. But none the less they both require around 100 gallos to swim in. JMHO