Fish List Help


First off, I'd like to thank everyone who posts on this site.
I have just been reading and raeding and reading the last week; before I went our and bought my new 72g bowfront FOWLR the other day!! :happyfish

I had a 60g 2.5-3 yrs ago and learned everything on my own and with a lot of money! ( as we all know). So this time I wanted to get it all right> I have my tank set up and cycling with all the advice and things I have researched on here, its beautiful (pics sometime soon!)
I would like peoples advice on my "Fish List/Plan"
I have reserached a lot about all these fish however still want some advice on this combination.
1 Sunrise Dottyback
1 Yellow Tang ( trust me I've read the controversy)
2 False Percula Clowns (will be housing them w/out an anenome)
2-3 Purple firefish (I've read that they should be kept in pairs not groups)
1 Gold Head Sleeper Goby ( Sand Sifter)
1 Blue Neon Goby
1 Dwarf Angel Fish (Suggestions Welcome on which one specifically appreciated)
1 Snowflake Eel
My questions are:
1) Which one should I add first?
This is my take, your opinions please!!
>>>> I was thinking the Neon Goby 1st ( the parasite picker!); as I am not going to run a QT tank ( yes I know the controversy and possible consequences there!> however I know people who have done it no problem! and Im not looking to debate this, I know both sides and have picked my answer!)
>>>>I was thinking to add the Dottyback 2nd ( to eat the bristle worms)
>>>>The Firefish 3rd ( to get used to the tank without territorial fish being added first)
>>>>The Tang 4th ( not going to debate the tank size for it)
>>>>Clowns 5th
>>>>At this point there may be enough things to eat on the bottom for the Gold Head Sleeper Goby
>>>>Now the Eel! (I have read every article in here i swear about Eels however I still would like to know if anyone foresees any problems with the Eel and the Firefish?)
If I dont go with the Eel I think a good alternative would be the engineer goby, however I dont want to keep more than one and its my understanding they do best in pairs or groups, feefback please
>>>>Then the small Angel (I have a few in mind however Im open for suggestions on which one here!> The Flame Angels or Potters Perhaps ..... ideas and comments please
Thanks in advance for your feedback! :jumping: :hilarious