Fish list question


New Member
I have a 125G FOWLR at the moment, it has been up and running for approx 4months now. I just moved and had it for 4 yrs before. I am thinking of making the jump to a reef setup. I am new to this type of setup and am researching before I start. I know my lighting will need to be upgraded and I have an idea of what I want to do with that. My question is about the livestock.
I would like to have:
1 Blonde Naso Tang
2 Clown fish (for the anemone's)
3 Banner fish (to swim in schools)
maybe add some chromis later (again for schooling)
Is this realistic? Will this work with a reef?
Any input is greatly appreciated


Active Member
The naso should be fine for awhile, but will eventually out grow the tank. I believe theyneed a 180+ as adults. Not sure about the banners, but I think they should work. Just make sure you know which one you are getting. Why wait on chromis. They are usually a good first addition. Also check out the anthias.


IMO i would skip the naso and replace it with a different tang. Most tangs will work in your tank with the naso being an exception. I would go with a powder brown or blue. JMO


New Member
The powder blue was my first choice as far as the tang goes but I have been researching and found that they are particularly prone to ich and harder to keep than a Naso. Any particular reason for not having a naso? other than size?