Fish list


Ok, awesome!
Now Lion Crazz: Do you 100% think that the 2 Angels will not be able to live in a 180? I REALLY want them both, but if you are sure that they will struggle, then I guess I will have to choose. But if I have an OK chance for them to thrive... then I think I am going to take it.


New Member
I had a sohol tang and I had to get ride of it to. Way to mean. It would pick snails of the glass. It would even pick at leathers and other corals. It was the boss of the tank. I really did not want to get ride of him but after he killed 2 new tangs he had to go. He did do well with another tang but he (sohol) was the last in. when i switched to a 220 I put other tangs in that did not go well. It is a cool fish but my tank in much happier now less stress.
I am thinking of 3 angels Japanese Swallowtail Angel Male and Female. And or a regal or a Watanabei angel. I do not know about buying fish at this site I have not had any luck with fish from this site. I have spent over 300 on fish from here and i have no live fish to show for it.


yeah, I just saw your post on the 15 day guarentee. That really sucks. But my Sohal would be the last fish added, and he would aslo be alot smaller than the others. I would make sure of it. Do you think that might work? Or should I really not try it...
EDIT: My tank will be a FOWLR, so I dont need to worry about him picking at snails and corals.


New Member
If he is the last go ahead. The sohol was my most favorite fish. I was just going a different way with my tank that is why I had to get ride of him.


get a emporer angel those are more colorful and look a lot better than a annularis angel imo wait i hope imo means in my opinion if not let me know


Active Member
I added my sohal last grew fast....within months he was too agressive....had no choice but to sell him to LFS. Will also stick to my recommendation on one large angel. You're tank and mates will be much better off. Also when calculating fish size always use adult size. If you do that you will notice thhat tank will be overcroweded if you add all fish. My suggestion again is no sohal and only one large angel. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Ok, awesome!
Now Lion Crazz: Do you 100% think that the 2 Angels will not be able to live in a 180? I REALLY want them both, but if you are sure that they will struggle, then I guess I will have to choose. But if I have an OK chance for them to thrive... then I think I am going to take it.
Yes, I absolutely do not feel that you will be able to keep 2 angels in your tank. Not only will they both grow large and aggressive and territorial, but your fish list is huge as it is. It cannot handle 2 angelfish.